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Trick-or-Treat with the Dinosaurs & Howl-o-Fest


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Trick-or-Treat with the Dinosaurs & Howl-o-Fest

October is upon us and that means some of the best and more unique times are available at Kings Island. Many here will think that I am talking about Kings Island Haunt but that is only the half of it. Not only does Kings Island have excellent Halloween Haunt festivities to entertain their more mature guests but they also have one of the best if not the best kids Halloween fun festivities too. Of course I am talking about Kings Island How-o-Fest and new this year Trick-or-Treat with the Dinosaurs, which opened to large crowds on its opening weekend.

This past weekend I got an unexpected opportunity to visit Kings Island and to enjoy most of October festivities Kings Island had to offer with my family.

We arrived at Kings Island at about 1:30PM and headed straight back to the new Trick-or-Treat with the Dinosaurs inside the Dinosaurs Alive area of the park. We entered the worlds largest animatronic dinosaur park and wondered down the trail a bit, with so many Dinosaurs we felt almost surrounded by dinosaurs at times.


Before long we came to a Trick-or-Treat station and my daughter Miss Rae asked for the treat as she did at most stations.


We admired the size and majesty of some of the dinosaurs on exhibit.


Some Treat stations offered apples or pick your own pumpkins.


As mentioned earlier the Trick-or-Treat with the Dinosaurs opened with large crowds going through the trial and at one time there as a bit of a line to get a opportunity of a treat. This picture really shows the popularity of guest have in doing the Trick-or-Treat with the Dinosaurs.


A very popular station was a dig up a colored dinosaur bone to get a designated prize.


Finally Miss Rae decided to ask for a trick at one of the stations and got a trick she could not have ever imagined. Funny

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.phanfare.com/embed/1009485-5100347-139949412-d0c2b281dc57a0841eb312d916376e96" frameborder="0"></iframe>

As Miss Rae’s bag started to fill up she began to get worried about some Dinosaurs sneaking up to steal some of her loot.


Thankfully we managed to get to the end of the trail without losing any of the loot but gained some knowledge about dinosaurs and some great family memories, so then it was time for Miss Rae to claim a sweet victory with a pose.


After the Trick-or-Treat with the Dinosaurs we decided to head over to Kings Island Howl-o-Fest located in the picnic grove for some more family fun filled activities to do together.


We had a blast at Howl-o-Fest and there was so much to do which kept us very busy for a while experiencing all the activities.


They even had a kid friendly house called Twisted Trails that the family did together. Inside they had free treat and fun kid items stations set up and Miss Rae added more loot to her already filled bag.


Miss Rae spotted a Foam Pitt near a Dance Hall which had a DJ spinning fun dance tunes. We said no but after a while it seemed Miss Rae transformed herself into a werewolf and gave us her best growl to get or attention to convince us she really wanted to try out the Foam Pit.


Knowing we had brought a change of clothes for Miss Rae for later we said OK as long as she danced one song with Snoopy on the dance floor.


So into the Foam Pit Miss Rea went not to be seen for several minutes and emerged covered in foam to her total delight.


Shortly after the Foam Pit fun we decide to catch the new Gave Yard Shift show showing in Festhaus . This way we could get something to eat while we get warmed up a bit while watching a great show.


The Grave Yard Shift is a high energy show which includes many Seasonal favorites as well as some other popular songs altered a bit to make it very entertaining show. I am sharing this clip as it shows an example of what I mean as a fun song altered a bit to fit the show style. But also because I have always enjoyed some hammer time too.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.phanfare.com/embed/1009485-5100347-139975613-42fe6daa578b10f9c88ec353fbfb6fb3" frameborder="0"></iframe>

We were very well entertained all through the show from start to finish.


After the show it was getting a bit late and it was time to head out of the park as the more mature part of Kings Island Halloween festivities was getting ready.

We truly enjoyed our day at Kings Island and enjoyed the great family activities at Howl-o-Fest but Trick-or-Treat with the Dinosaurs was our highlight for the day.

I highly recommend that everyone take some time and walk the trail with their family to see the leaves on the trees changing colors while adding to their memories at Kings Island. In my honest opinion Kings Island offers as much fun activities for the children and their families during the fall days as they do for their thrill seeking mature guests during the Haunt evenings.

Whatever you are into and enjoy Kings Island has something for you so make sure to visit before the season comes to a close.

See you at the park soon Avatar/Jesse

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