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Diamondback Restraints

Guest thekidwholives

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Guest thekidwholives

Hello guys, I am new here, but I go to KI usually every summer, and I was just curious as to what holds you in on the DB, i know there is the lap bar type thing, but is there a belt? oh also, a little add-on, anyone rode slingshot, I want to ride, but nobody will ride with me, so if I am allowed i may just ride by myself, are you allowed, to and please share your experiences on both rides, PLEASE. <3 ^_^

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Hi, and welcome to KIC!

Diamondback only has a lapbar. There's no seatbelt. However, the lapbar on Diamondback is much bigger than any other lapbar in the park--it literally covers most of your lap, rather than just your waist like The Beast, Flight of Fear, etc. It might seem somewhat dangerous the first time you sit in the seat, but it's very secure and comfortable.

I have ridden Slingshot before, but only once. It was with a friend, but I want to say I've seen people ride alone on it before. Don't quote me on that, though.

Hope that helps!

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Welcome to KIC!

There is no belt on Diamondback, just the lap bar. As for Slingshot, as of August 2010, single riders are allowed (I rode solo that month myself). If the policy has changed since then, don't blame me. :)

As for experiences, I think Diamondback is best in the very back, but you usually don't get to choose seats. I personally love it, but I've heard others say it's "boring", so your mileage may vary. On Slingshot, some have said it's the scariest ride at the park, while others get more thrills out of watching paint dry. I personally fall into the latter category, but I encourage you to give it a shot and form your own opinion about it.

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Guest thekidwholives
  On 2/21/2012 at 2:23 AM, TombRaiderFTW said:

Hi, and welcome to KIC!

Diamondback only has a lapbar. There's no seatbelt. However, the lapbar on Diamondback is much bigger than any other lapbar in the park--it literally covers most of your lap, rather than just your waist like The Beast, Flight of Fear, etc. It might seem somewhat dangerous the first time you sit in the seat, but it's very secure and comfortable.

I have ridden Slingshot before, but only once. It was with a friend, but I want to say I've seen people ride alone on it before. Don't quote me on that, though.

Hope that helps!

awesome thanks, i know they look really small, and i have really small legs, and a small waist, ive been to camden park before in huntington west virginia, as im only an hour from it, and on the big dipper, in the "big dip" i literally felt my butt come out of the seat, and almost fell out of the cart, talk about scary.
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Guest thekidwholives
  On 2/21/2012 at 2:28 AM, Titan said:


Here is a picture of one of the trains. The lap bar encloses around your lap instead of just resting on it.

thanks man or girl, i always say man, sorry for the sexist comment.
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Guest thekidwholives
  On 2/21/2012 at 2:27 AM, jcgoble3 said:

Welcome to KIC!

There is no belt on Diamondback, just the lap bar. As for Slingshot, as of August 2010, single riders are allowed (I rode solo that month myself). If the policy has changed since then, don't blame me. :)

As for experiences, I think Diamondback is best in the very back, but you usually don't get to choose seats. I personally love it, but I've heard others say it's "boring", so your mileage may vary. On Slingshot, some have said it's the scariest ride at the park, while others get more thrills out of watching paint dry. I personally fall into the latter category, but I encourage you to give it a shot and form your own opinion about it.

thanks, and also, how did you get the calculator type thing, its in your signature.
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When your butt comes out of the seat like that, it's called "airtime", which Diamondback has a lot of. That said, even with a small body like you described, you can still get the lap bar pretty tight. As for "almost fell out", if the restraint is properly secured, you will not fall out. Period.

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Guest thekidwholives
  On 2/21/2012 at 2:30 AM, jdawg1998 said:

^This is the same problem I had when I wanted to ride DB. I was too afraid because of my size. But it is literally so tight on you! Really!

alright, anyone going this summer, possible June, i need a hand to squeeze, because i am the biggest chicken once i keep thinking about stuff.
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Guest thekidwholives
  On 2/21/2012 at 2:31 AM, jcgoble3 said:

When your butt comes out of the seat like that, it's called "airtime", which Diamondback has a lot of. That said, even with a small body like you described, you can still get the lap bar pretty tight. As for "almost fell out", if the restraint is properly secured, you will not fall out. Period.

ha ok, what is the normal wait time for a mid week visit in June?
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The lap bar can get really tight! Also the feeling you described is also known as "Air Time". Its the feeling you get when you feel weightless, or experience zero g. Welcome to KIC! I guess I'll also mention this, next time, you can use the "MultiQuote" feature, as a way to respond to all the comments!

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Guest thekidwholives
  On 2/21/2012 at 2:35 AM, Titan said:

You can call me man B)

haha ok "man" do i smell internet troll?
  On 2/21/2012 at 2:36 AM, HTCO said:

The lap bar can get really tight! Also the feeling you described is also known as "Air Time". Its the feeling you get when you feel weightless, or experience zero g. Welcome to KIC! I guess I'll also mention this, next time, you can use the "MultiQuote" feature, as a way to respond to all the comments!

OK i finally got it, and got it, thanks a ton!
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As for the ride count thing in my signature, go to http://www.coasterfanatics.com/default.asp , register an account, and then look up each coaster you've ridden on this list and click the "add" button next to each one. Once you've done that, go to http://www.coasterfanatics.com/sec_members/member_personal.asp and copy the code for BBCode forums and paste it in your signature here.

As for weekday wait times in June, typically around 15-20 minutes, but there's no guarantee. It could be a walk-on; it could be a lot longer. There's no way to know until you walk up to the ride and look at the physical line.

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Guest thekidwholives
  On 2/21/2012 at 2:40 AM, jcgoble3 said:

As for the ride count thing in my signature, go to http://www.coasterfa...com/default.asp , register an account, and then look up each coaster you've ridden on this list and click the "add" button next to each one. Once you've done that, go to http://www.coasterfa...er_personal.asp and copy the code for BBCode forums and paste it in your signature here.

As for weekday wait times in June, typically around 15-20 minutes, but there's no guarantee. It could be a walk-on; it could be a lot longer. There's no way to know until you walk up to the ride and look at the physical line.

wow, are you serious, 15-20 minutes, typically, the line looks so much longer, do the capacity and amount of trains running make it go faster?
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Guest thekidwholives
  On 2/21/2012 at 2:43 AM, jcgoble3 said:

Yeah, Diamondback moves riders through the line very fast. It's one of the highest capacity rides in the park. A full queue with all switchbacks filled is only about 45 minutes, maybe an hour, if they don't get overrun with Fast Lane users.

i was dying to make this account so i could ask, what is a switchback?
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  On 2/21/2012 at 2:44 AM, thekidwholives said:
  On 2/21/2012 at 2:43 AM, jcgoble3 said:

Yeah, Diamondback moves riders through the line very fast. It's one of the highest capacity rides in the park. A full queue with all switchbacks filled is only about 45 minutes, maybe an hour, if they don't get overrun with Fast Lane users.

i was dying to make this account so i could ask, what is a switchback?

Essentially, where you go down one row of the queue, make a 180 degree turn, and come back up the next row. See also Dictionary.com, definition 1 (ignore definition 3).

(edited to clarify what I'm responding to)

Edited by jcgoble3
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Guest thekidwholives
  On 2/21/2012 at 2:46 AM, HTCO said:

Average about 1200 riders per hour. Permitting weather and amount of people in line of course.

alrighty thanks c:
  On 2/21/2012 at 2:49 AM, jcgoble3 said:
  On 2/21/2012 at 2:44 AM, thekidwholives said:
  On 2/21/2012 at 2:43 AM, jcgoble3 said:

Yeah, Diamondback moves riders through the line very fast. It's one of the highest capacity rides in the park. A full queue with all switchbacks filled is only about 45 minutes, maybe an hour, if they don't get overrun with Fast Lane users.

i was dying to make this account so i could ask, what is a switchback?

Essentially, where you go down one row of the queue, make a 180 degree turn, and come back up the next row. See also Dictionary.com, definition 1 (ignore definition 3).

(edited to clarify what I'm responding to)

oh ok, well uh, so in line for the drop zone, the metal poles, that are like mazes?
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  On 2/21/2012 at 2:58 AM, thekidwholives said:
  On 2/21/2012 at 2:55 AM, jcgoble3 said:

Yes, exactly.

alrightt, anyone wanna share their experiences on other rides *cough jcgoble3 *cough*

I already did. :)

  On 2/21/2012 at 2:27 AM, jcgoble3 said:

As for experiences, I think Diamondback is best in the very back, but you usually don't get to choose seats. I personally love it, but I've heard others say it's "boring", so your mileage may vary. On Slingshot, some have said it's the scariest ride at the park, while others get more thrills out of watching paint dry. I personally fall into the latter category, but I encourage you to give it a shot and form your own opinion about it.

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Guest thekidwholives
  On 2/21/2012 at 3:58 AM, LongliveKingsCobra said:

Well for TG ride the front row always! Best seat in the park in my opinion. The same is true for The Beast, and FOF.

If you need someone to go with you came to the right place.

i don't want to sound dumb, but what is TG? and yeah, i would definitely need someone to ride diamond back with because my family is chicken, oh and also for Invertigo :D see, they are such chickens,
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  On 2/21/2012 at 11:08 AM, thekidwholives said:
  On 2/21/2012 at 3:58 AM, LongliveKingsCobra said:

Well for TG ride the front row always! Best seat in the park in my opinion. The same is true for The Beast, and FOF.

If you need someone to go with you came to the right place.

i don't want to sound dumb, but what is TG? and yeah, i would definitely need someone to ride diamond back with because my family is chicken, oh and also for Invertigo :D see, they are such chickens,

I believe he's referring to Flight Deck, which was formerly known as Top Gun.

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