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Any Construction Updates On CDBB


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sad.gif whay haven't there been any updates ont the water park. My school and i are going this Saturday May 22, and thats the day the water park opens and i wanted to know if it is ready and what it looks like. mad.gif The last new consrtuction update was March 15 and it is near the end of may. Whatz goinig on??????
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If you're peeing your pants that frequently about it, why not just go down there yourself? Whenever I get the itch, I just drive down there myself (even though it may take a half hour to arrive and another half hour to leave). There probably isn't anything major happening now that all of the bigger stuff has been assembled.

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I was at the park today a and have some small updates to offer. While on the train, I noticed that there were still workers working near the entrance of Boomerang Bay. Also, it appeared as if they were testing some of the water effects on Jackeroo Landing. Additionally, they must have been training/testing Coolangatta Racers because i saw two or three peopl in swimsuits heading up the stairs with mats. A little chilly to be testing that ride today. The bright colors of the park look pretty good. It should be interesting to hear the reviews after the park opens.

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Here's what I know...

Lifeguards have been riding all of the rides the past couple weekends.

There is painting, signage, and final preperations going up.

The gold pass entrance is being prepared.

I really like the new entrance if anyone has seen it (employees driving into work mostly) it looks a lot better and has flavor unlike WW.

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