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Adventure Express' Logo


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Why was he removed? I think it fits well with the overall theme of the ride, along with the "grand" finale.

Well I personally do not know, maybe they just got rid of it due to it was so random to some people. I remember the sign chief back in '06 I believe, its an old classic sign in my opinion.

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Guest TombraiderTy

Here's what TheCrypt is talking about:


The logo was initially used for the attraction's media kits and souvenirs, alongside the parking lot signs. I think the coaster has always had the text-only sign though, which has also become the current logo for the (few) pieces of merchandise that Adventure Express is featured on.

Edit - Oh, and that "man" is one of the "tiki men" in the second lift hill, probably the one at the top. His nickname is "Bubba".

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If I remember right, even when I was a kid there wasn't a man on the main sign at all. But Its been years since I've even heard people talk about that logo. I think the ride is a great ride though. The only thing I would change is to add a little more rustic and themed looks in a couple of the tunnels and a thorough cleaning to get rid of that smell it seems to have.

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The on-ride photo booth was a temporary one located where the remote control cars are now. The camera was located - if memory serves me - at the entrance of tunnel #2. (I think)

When Adventure Express opened - there were many more effects. Virtually all are gone. Most kids today have no idea that back-in-the-day, when the train left the station, you went through a dense patch of fog and mist - and you dropped into tunnel 1 while in the fog. I think this tunnel also originally had red "flame" lights like it was burning. (It's been so long since the effects actually worked - it's hard to remember what happened when) Also, the finale "Bubba" actually used to pour water on the train as it reached the top of the final lift hill!

The water/mist effects were removed (from what I was told) because of the rusting of the track and components. I do know that back when Face/Off (Invertigo) was built, the track out of the station to tunnel #1 was replaced. This was when the "mist" effect (which had already been reduced to a shell of it's former self) dissapeared for good. I distinctly recall the replacement track being in the KI parking lot next to the Face/Off track which was awaiting assembly.

Finally, I was also told that the budget for effects was cut when AE was being built. There were more effects planned - along the lines of Phantom Theatre (Which was themed by the same company) but the budget got slashed and things like a large animatronic snake and bubbling lava pit were cut from the final ride.


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The on-ride photo booth was a temporary one located where the remote control cars are now.

Those cars are long gone shaggy....

LOL, that should indicate just how much time I've spent at KI over the past 5 years... I think I average 1 visit a year now. And I can honestly say I haven't paid attention to the upcharges for a long, long time ;-)

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The on-ride photo booth was a temporary one located where the remote control cars are now.

Those cars are long gone shaggy....

LOL, that should indicate just how much time I've spent at KI over the past 5 years... I think I average 1 visit a year now. And I can honestly say I haven't paid attention to the upcharges for a long, long time ;-)

You remind me of the Alien movie when ripley wakes up from her 50 year nap! Infact its not even upcharges, its changes (many I wish never occured).

Please refer to this for more information

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Shaggy, how do you know all these things?! You're like a living encyclopedia! :lol:

Seriously though, thank you for the insight, Shaggy.

Why was the photo section temporary? Was it not successful with sales or what? I also saw in the (2010) Flashback 'til Opening Day thread that in the first tunnel, there were regular white lights illuminating the first tunnel on the inside... What happened to the lights? I think those could be returned (I have no doubt that the fixtures and power lines are still there) relatively easily, and the sets are still in there (ride Adventure Express, and you'll see silhouettes on each side of the tunnel).

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Shaggy, how do you know all these things?! You're like a living encyclopedia! :lol:

Seriously though, thank you for the insight, Shaggy.

Why was the photo section temporary? Was it not successful with sales or what? I also saw in the (2010) Flashback 'til Opening Day thread that in the first tunnel, there were regular white lights illuminating the first tunnel on the inside... What happened to the lights? I think those could be returned (I have no doubt that the fixtures and power lines are still there) relatively easily, and the sets are still in there (ride Adventure Express, and you'll see silhouettes on each side of the tunnel).

I'm just old - that's all ;-) And I have a tendancy to recall useless facts. LOL

The photo booth was temporary in the means that it was in a portable trailer that could be moved to a different ride from season to season. If memory serves me, back when on-ride photos were first introduced at KI, they were (and perhaps still are) contracted by an outside company. The company provided the intial equiptment and KI retained the profits. Some of the on-ride photo booths were highly sucessful - like Beast (which always had it's own permnt booth.) but rides like Adventure Express used a portable one so that if sales were unsuccessful, it could be re-located to another coaster. As a matter of fact, if I recall, AE lost it's on-ride photo when Face/Off was added... at that point the same booth was moved to that location and used.


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If I saw a shirt (or anything for that matter), I would DEFINATELY buy it. I think Adventure Express is the most under-rated coaster ever. It truly is fun, and it deserves more attention than it gets.

I've always wondered how an on-ride photo could be applied to Face/Off or Invertigo. Did they need double cameras or sumthin'?

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