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Its time for it again


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I can't ENTIRELY fit into this, but I sell cameras and camcorders for Best Buy and use a lot of my PKI pics to promote the different cameras and printers. I think I've been asked at least a hundred times in the past two months, "So, what are they building for next year?" Of course, I take the time to explain it to them, but I unless they ask, I don't tell them that it's going in the Tiques and Flyers old spot because I just don't want to hear about it...

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Its not really a question, and I don't work at PKI, but I was riding SOB yesterday, and there was a young couple sitting behind me, and at the top the girl said, in a really nervous tone of voice, "Oh boy, this is a big roller coaster! I thought it was a small one! I'm not sure I can do this!" laugh.gif

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HelixSpiral said, "

"Is the Tomb Raider a ride?" (while sitting at TRTR greeter next to the big TOMB RAIDER: THE RIDE sign.) "

Reminds me of that Snickers commercial where the employee is asked when the next show was and he's standing next to the sign that posts show times and is asking in a very whiny voice, "Doesn't anyone know when the next show is?" Funny stuff. laugh.gif

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So we had a voban the other day at Troika and had to dump the water cooler on the car and one of the moms after the little girl was getting wet told her daughter that it was a water ride... ok, that is probably the dumbest thing i've heard. The dumbest question i've been asked while working preshow at AT is "Is this the line for that white roller coaster or the blue one? I had to explain to these people without falling on my ass and laughing that it was Sponge Bob... ok. Doesn't it make it clear with the music and the signs everywhere that it's Sponge Bob.... ohh good times good times

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Let us go through the usual.

-am I going to die on this ride?

-has anyone died on this ride?

-is this ride safe?

-has anyone ever thrown up on this ride?


-is this the line for that?(points to Racer)

(after saying my 'put your stuff in the boxes spiel at Delirium):

-Where do I put this?

-Can I put this here?

*places small child on Delirium's drive box counter while ride is cycling*

-Is my girlfriend tall enough for this ride?

-what's this ride called again?

*tosses shoes at ride op at Delirium* Can you put those in the bin?

While at Delirium Greeter:

Guest: um, where can I find the park maps?

Me: they can be found at the park entrance, where you came in.

Guest: ok... *starts walking towards SOB*

Me: if you need any help finding anything, let me know.

Guest: So where's the entrance?

Me: just follow up this path here until you see it. Walk past the theater and you're there.

Guest: *looks puzzled* so, where can I find the park maps?

(repeats conversation twice before guest understood what to do.)

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HelixSpiral said, "

"Is the Tomb Raider a ride?" (while sitting at TRTR greeter next to the big TOMB RAIDER: THE RIDE sign.) "

Reminds me of that Snickers commercial where the employee is asked when the next show was and he's standing next to the sign that posts show times and is asking in a very whiny voice, "Doesn't anyone know when the next show is?" Funny stuff. laugh.gif

Reminds me of Kevin. lol

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I'm at Racer... "Does this ride go upside down?"

"Do we have to put the seatbelt on?"

"Is this the entrance?" While waiting in the exit.

I'm on forward dispatching the train and they ask, "Does this go forward or backward?"

I'm at Vortex... "Does this ride go upside down?"

"Is this ride fast?"

I'm at Troika... "What is a chaperone?"

I'm at Monster and we're unloading... "Is the ride broke down?"

"Does this ride go upside down?"

"Which line do we go to?"

"Is this line the exit?"

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I think this one is hard to beat and it happened several times:

I was working load or unload on SOB and the people had the weird thing of asking "does this ride go upside down", or what ride is that" (as the point to the loop). Any of you who are familiar with SOB know that you can see the loop from anywhere in the station. So when you get asked this question it is kind of hard not to laugh your butt off.

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That is pretty funny stuff.

I wonder how many times it has been asked if you get wet on White Water Canyon even though there are many signs that state you will definitely get at least wet if not soaked. Personally, I enjoy plopping quarters at the observation area and soaking the people as they go by.

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Yeah, I think I will go on the record now and say that I really dislike that ride. If I am in my trunks and flip flops then I am fine, but dude that ride sucks if you get soaked...especially in jeans

Just don't ever ride WWC with jeans and boxers, then ride Delirium! blink.gif

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At Vortex:

Where are the seatbelts???

Why aren't we allowed to wait on the station?

Guest: They told me she was tall enough out there?!?!?! WTF

Me: There isn't anybody out in the line measuring people?!?!

Guest: Whatever, there was ::drags crying kid out that says daddy your lying:: somebody out there, now look shes crying.

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  • 1 month later...
At Vortex:

Where are the seatbelts???

Why aren't we allowed to wait on the station?

Guest: They told me she was tall enough out there?!?!?! WTF

Me: There isn't anybody out in the line measuring people?!?!

Guest: Whatever, there was ::drags crying kid out that says daddy your lying:: somebody out there, now look shes crying.


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