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Important Information for those attending KIC Day this Saturday


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Hey everyone!

I'm thrilled to say that KIC Day is this weekend! A very special thank you to everyone who bought tickets! As a reminder, all tickets for KIC Day have been sold and you must have a ticket to participate in any of the events!!!!

First, please be there early! Parking tolls open at 8:30am. We need everyone checked in and ready to go by 8:55 AM! Please be ready with your ticket when you get there so you can receive your lanyard. You must have a lanyard to participate in any event of the day. No lanyards will be available the day of the event.

We will have depart from the front gate area around 8:55am and proceed to Fight of Fear. We will take a walking tour of the inside of Flight of Fear's "drum." I know many of you haven't been in there yet, so that will be a real treat for you.

From there, we will proceed to Coney Mall for an ERT on the Coney Classics (Monster, Scrambler, Dodgem). You MUST stay in the area during the entire duration of the ERT. Do no leave that area of the park.

You will receive an agenda with times and locations of all activities. Please respect the fact that the park is going out of its way to accommodate us. Again, you must have a lanyard to participate in any activity.

Remember that all park rules are still in effect. Please observe all park rules including special provisions that may be in place as a result of any special activity. Failure to follow the rules will result in removal from the event as well as any and all future KIC events, plus whatever the park decides to do to you.

If you have any questions, now would be the time to ask!!

See you Saturday!

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