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Mysterious Light


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last summer there was a large plastic thing covered with a tarp, and it was located behind Tomb Raider. This is where I think they have been shooting the fireworks from, lately. In the one picture, it shows a small yellow building, off to the left of SOB, as well as two white things, I wonder what those are? The over head shot also shows a good view of the fountain, and it sure does look brand new. Another intersting thing, is being able to see the overall height of Delirium, and Scooby Doo. All the pictures are interesting, and show some very cool things, as well as hopefully, some ideas as to what is to come.

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In picture 5, the land cleared behind The Racer turn around, yes that is where they now launch the fireworks everynight. It must be a large clearing so not to burn anything down in case of a dud (firework doesn't launch but still explodes).

The "supposed" launching of fireworks from behind tomb raider... well yes they do launch some from back there. They have only done this twice though and both times were on the 4th of July. They first did it in 2001 while Tomb Raider was still being built, and they did it again in 2002.

In the picture 4, the small yellow building that is to the left of SOB, not sure at all what that is used for. The two white things are old parking lot trams that have "gone out to pasture".

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There could be several reasons for the light. They have been working on SOB all winter, and they could still be working on it now.

Also, the light could have been off of KI property, although I doubt it.

They have had several filiming crews from Discovery and Travel Channels at the Park, so it could have been them. They were there several times during the off season filiming Tome Raider. It could just be filming of a comercial as well.

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I am not sure when the shows are coming on... I belive the Discovery Channel one is on Memorial Day weekend, but you can contact the channels via email to find out or call PKI marketing and see if they will tell you.

The mantince people are working on the coasters all winter... as soon as the park is closed they are fixing trains and track and doing touch up works on the rides like paint and smoothing out the rought spots (like for SOB).

There is a lot of work that goes on during the off season that most people just don't get to see.

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