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Extreme long shot here....


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But did anybody on the board happen to lose an iPhone at the park yesterday? We were standing at the Bank a Ball game and just noticed an iPhone sitting on the counter, wouldn't leave until we got the attention of the guy working the booth, he put it under the counter. So just FYI in case you lost your phone!

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Not me, but my dad lost his iphone a month ago at a gas station. He was home when he realized it. Went back to the gas station to not be able to find it. He went to the AT&T store and they located it about 20 miles from the gas station. They locked it and ordered him a new one. The people who took it ended up bring it back by the next day to the gas station and the gas station called my dad that they had it.

He was able to get to use his old phone again, but the guy at the AT&T store recommended that if you do happen to find an iphone to take it to a local AT&T store. I am guessing the same would apply to Verizion as well. He said you think you are doing the right thing by turning it in where it was lost, but that some of the clerks will sell them themselves and not ever return them to the owner if they come back asking. He told my dad in the 3 years he has worked there his was only the second iphone he saw retrieved after it was lost and locked by the store. Something to keep in mind!

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