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WinterFest Coming back?


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I got a e-mail asking me to take a poll to see if I wanted Winter Fest to come back from PKI. I am not sure when or if it will come back to PKI but I was happy to see the park was looking into bring Winter Fest back. Some of things on the poll asked about the old Winter Fest and rides. Also about a winter show and food.

If anyone knows more about Winter Fest Coming back at all please tell.

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I took the survey too. It did say that it could be 2004 or 2005 or not at all that it comes back. They asked what I thought were reasonable prices to charge. Also, they asked what rides should be open. (The Beast and Delirium were two of the options). One thing it did ask a lot about was a 90 minute professional Holiday show. The survey also asked about 16 different scenarios with admission prices to see how willing people would be to pay. I found it interesting that some of the scenarios had as many as 75% of the ride being open. I hope Winterfest does come back as it would be a big cure to the off season blues and an opportunity to see PKI in the winter again.

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I sure hope if they bring back Winterfest that Whitewater Canyon and Congo Falls are open!!!!


Seriously, isn't it dangerous to run some of those rides in cold weather?

Who wants to go 80 mph on SOB or ride The Beast in 30 degree temperatures??? I guess PKI could make a mint selling ski masks, though!

I guess flat rides like the Scrambler, the Monster, the Zephyr and others would be okay to ride. People just need to realize they need to dress warm. But I seriously think people just want to ice skate to Holiday tunes on the fountain and have a drink of Hot Chocolate to warm up. It's a Holiday Season kind of thing, ya know?

There is no reason that Tomb Raider couldn't be open, though. It is indoors and as long as there is heat, I'm sure it and Flight of Fear would be hits!

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I really doubt that after revamping the fountain because of wear created by the ice skating rink at Winterfest they would really put rink once again on the royal fountain. It proably would be somewhere else for adults.

But even the remote possibility that they are going to bring back Winterfest is truly exciting. I remember going their as a kid and marvelling at the lights, skating at Scrappy's rink, and watching the shows in the Paramount Theatre. As a kid, it was so magical.

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I sure hope if they bring back Winterfest that Whitewater Canyon and Congo Falls are open!!!!


Seriously, isn't it dangerous to run some of those rides in cold weather?

Who wants to go 80 mph on SOB or ride The Beast in 30 degree temperatures??? I guess PKI could make a mint selling ski masks, though!

I guess flat rides like the Scrambler, the Monster, the Zephyr and others would be okay to ride. People just need to realize they need to dress warm. But I seriously think people just want to ice skate to Holiday tunes on the fountain and have a drink of Hot Chocolate to warm up. It's a Holiday Season kind of thing, ya know?

There is no reason that Tomb Raider couldn't be open, though. It is indoors and as long as there is heat, I'm sure it and Flight of Fear would be hits!

Yes I think it is dangoues for some of the rides to be open cause with the g forces they would have to be able to take with the cold weather my cause the track to crack. But I dont know cause im not a support engineer that is just my 2 cent worth. If im not mistaken when they had winterfeast only a few rides were open.

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The Paramount Parks research website is www.thrillresearch.com In the survey, they had an old brochure from Winterfest. That year the Carousel, Antique Cars, KI & MV Railroad, Hanna Barbera Carousel and the Dodgems were open. However, if they were to hold it again, I would imagine they would have Scooby Doo and the Huanted Castle, Tomb Raider: The Ride, the Paramount FX Theater and Flight of Fear open as they are inclosed and I would assume they have heat. (I know the Paramount FX Theater has heat from a bitter cold preview day in 2001) I hope they decide to bring it back for 2004!

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There is no reason that Tomb Raider couldn't be open, though. It is indoors and as long as there is heat, I'm sure it and Flight of Fear would be hits!

to be honest.... i doubt they would want to open both of the major indoor rides.... only one.... it could be a place to warm up again, but all indoor rides would ruin the flavor of winter fest

here is a list of the top five rides i would want to see

5. Deliurum

4.Son of Beast

3. Top Gun

2. Drop Zone

1. Beast (easily)

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I doubt they would open rides like FOF or Tomb Raider. Staffing would be a big issue during that time. Plus with TR:TR being so far back in the park, you would have to rope off a lot of stuff and staff the area back to it with at least security. I think if they have Winterfest again, they will keep most activities located in the front and center of the park.

Edited by IcarusLives
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Most of your coasters wouldnt be able to open due to the temperature it needs to be in order to run the rides. I know most of the steel coasters and some wood ones wouldnt be able to open because it has to be above like 50 or 55 or something like that to run. But I would love to see Winterfest back, I'd work it!

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I sure hope if they bring back Winterfest that Whitewater Canyon and Congo Falls are open!!!!


Seriously, isn't it dangerous to run some of those rides in cold weather?

Who wants to go 80 mph on SOB or ride The Beast in 30 degree temperatures??? I guess PKI could make a mint selling ski masks, though!

I guess flat rides like the Scrambler, the Monster, the Zephyr and others would be okay to ride. People just need to realize they need to dress warm. But I seriously think people just want to ice skate to Holiday tunes on the fountain and have a drink of Hot Chocolate to warm up. It's a Holiday Season kind of thing, ya know?

There is no reason that Tomb Raider couldn't be open, though. It is indoors and as long as there is heat, I'm sure it and Flight of Fear would be hits!

Actually Congo can run in the extreme cold, just as long as the water doesnt freeze and the pumps and conveyors last. I know, I've operated it in below freezing weather.

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kudos to congo falls (as a ride) for being able to be operated in such frigid weather...other than that...

i sincerely hope that pki starts winterfest again - i remember being a young child and skating on the ice rink that was inside the kiddy bumper cars ride (used to be flintstones themed).

ahh, the memories!!! i want it back!!!

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I don't thing PKI should open any of the coasters outside. I went to media day for Tomb Raider The Ride and it was 31 that night. They had two coasters open The Racer Front and The Beastie. I rode both of them and I never felt so much pain in my hands and face before from the cold wind. I do see them opening open Filght Of Fear and Tomb Raider The Ride both of them do have heat.

Edited by WildCat
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There is no reason that Tomb Raider couldn't be open, though. It is indoors and as long as there is heat, I'm sure it and Flight of Fear would be hits!

to be honest.... i doubt they would want to open both of the major indoor rides.... only one.... it could be a place to warm up again, but all indoor rides would ruin the flavor of winter fest

here is a list of the top five rides i would want to see

5. Deliurum

4.Son of Beast

3. Top Gun

2. Drop Zone

1. Beast (easily)

You can't run the outdoor rollercoasters in Winter, because the cold weather has effects on the wood and steel that could damage the overall operation if the coaster is running. I don't know the specifics, but someone else told me that it is too dangerous and that PKI would not run them.

I understand the problem with Tomb Raider being so far back, but still it is indoors and would be cool if they could get employees to run it. Same goes for FoFear.

To me, Action Zone would be completely out. There is not a ride, other than Drop Zone and Skyflyer that is operational in cold weather except for maybe Days of Thunder.......people could warm up in those little race cars.....that would be cool, as long as there's no snow on the ground!

The whole idea of Winterfest is to enjoy the Season with Ice Skating and hot chocolate, etc........it's a mood that really isn't created by riding Tomb Raider and other rides.

I have to question if PKI would freeze over the fountain after refurbishing it last year. I would think there would be too much risk of damaging it again.

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In the survey, some of the rides they asked about included The Beast. While this was the only coaster on the list, I was surprised they included it on the list, seeing as how it would be bone chilling cold and The Beast speeds through the wood. The only other major ride listed was Delirium. I don`t think staffing would be that big of a deal for Tomb Raider to be open since I believe they would have the train open for a train ride through the decorated woods. I hope that it does debut in 2004. But if not, oh well. The survey was quite interesting. Does any one know the exact reason why they stopped it? I heard they stopped it because they extended the regular season and didn`t have enough time to prepare for Winterfest.

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I would love to see WinterFest back! I remember only going once as a kid, but it was great! It may seem silly to some since there arent many rides or things to do like in the summer, but here in ohio during the winter what is the alternative, shopping?

I really thought the lights on the tower were neat. And it would be nice if the indoor rides were open, IMO.


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I took the Winterfest survey also, I didn't notice in the pricing questions of the possibility of free admission for season pass holders, doesn't most other holiday attractions such as the Beach include this in with their season passes?

Just kinda caught my attention.

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I didn't notice in the pricing questions of the possibility of free admission for season pass holders

The last year they had WinterFest season pass holders got in for free. If WinterFest does comeback I am not sure what the park will do. From taking the survey I did don't think Winter Fest will cost that much to get in to the park.

Like I said not sure if winterfest will comeback the park is looking into in right now.

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Man I REALLY hope that PKI brings back WinterFest. I think it would be so majical to have a couple of day around the Holidays to go to the park and just walk around. Noto to ride that ride but just to be in the park. Everyone is just so cheerful during the Holidays and just think how it would be walking down international street it's lightly snowing and all the trees are full of Christmas lights and Holiday music is playing in the backround, it would be so cool. I would thin it would be cool to ride Beast during the winter with some snowand the ground, i bet it would be a wild ride. But WinterFest would have to be in duringthe eveingg, so everyone could see the lights ( if they have um). Who knows maybe they would light up the Eiffel Tower with some differant lights or decorate it with so lights to make it look " Holiday Like"

Wouldn't it be cool!!! Just think............. biggrin.gif

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