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KIC Holiday Party @ GWL (Dec 6-7) - Important info!


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This is happening next week!

We are meeting at Great Wolf Lodge (next to Kings Island in Mason, Ohio) on December 6-7, 2013 to have fun and celebrate with each other around the holidays. The highlight of the event is the huge indoor waterpark, featuring five major water slides (including a water coaster) and numerous other activities.

We reserved a very good rate on a block of deluxe “Loft Fireplace” suites, and we're sharing the cost equally among those staying in the rooms. The final cost per person will be between $35 and $43 based on final occupancy. Three of our rooms are on the top floor with a large balcony overlooking Kings Island, including construction on Banshee and The Bat.

(That price includes an overnight stay on December 6 and two days (Dec 6-7) of waterpark access. Even if you prefer to return home at night or to join us for only one day, your best value is still to share in the cost of the rooms.)

As a reminder, if you haven't paid for your share of the room yet, please do so by this Friday. Contact me via phone or e-mail if there are any questions.

For anyone who still wants to join us, there are still a few hotel beds and wristbands available. E-mail me if you're interested or want details: ihatespam.png

I'll be sending an e-mail to everyone within the next week with final documents and instructions. Make sure to bring the printed room confirmation (PDF) to show at the parking gate if asked. Rooms might not be available until after 4:00pm, so make sure to pack a small bag with your swimsuit if you’re arriving early.

Google Doc with confirmed participants & arrival times: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArgvxwYrfA7sdGlKbE1FYzc1RTFidFVzdnpUTDVqd1E&usp=sharing#gid=0 (Add your ETA.)

Itinerary, Friday, December 6:
All day: Hotel check-in and wristband pick-up. (Arrange a meeting time in advance if you’re assigned to a shared room.)
12:00pm-1:00pm: Hotel lobby meetup (Get your wristband, say "Hi")
1:00pm: Waterpark access begins
4:00pm: Hotel rooms become available (Your wristband is your room key.)
8:00pm: Waterpark closes
8:30pm-??: Treats/party/etc (Some 21+ will be sharing a toast. ID enforced; virgin drinks available.)

Itinerary, Saturday, December 7:
All day: Pick up your wristband if you didn't get it on Friday. (Arrange a meeting time in advance.)
8:30am-9:30am: Breakfast (Hotel buffet and/or carpool to Frisch's)
9:30am: Hotel check-out (Everything must be removed from rooms)
9:30am-10:00am: Hotel lobby meetup (Get your wristband, say "Hi")
10:00am: Waterpark access begins
1:00pm: Group photo @ “Fort Mackenzie” play structure
1:45pm-3:00pm: Lunch/dinner at Cracker Barrel or Golden Corral as a grou
8:00pm: Waterpark closes

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We are bringing some cookies - they are very peanut buttery. We did a test run on them last night - they are delicious (if you love peanut butter / Reece Cup type things.)

We will likely bring something that has banana's in it. Not quite sure what, it might be banana bread or banana pudding or something. We were given bunches of bunches of bananas (I think five bunches, it could be six) and there is no possible way we can eat so many more bananas. Or if anyone has a good banana recipe, please let me know (they will not last long enough to take as is.)

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Kind of like in maybe 2005, back when we lived in Indiana, my family went out to eat, and headed "back home", but the ride "home" was real long. We ended up at Kings Island.

I will tell him on the way there! I think a suitcase, and riding with LoraX and Katie will sort of make him question a doctors visit! B)

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I'm hoping I can kick this cold before this Friday. I've been sick all weekend.

My dad has been sick since last Tuesday.

Edit: Also as of now, it's looking like about a 60% chance of SNOW on Friday. Hopefully it's enough to cause a snow day so I can come early, but not enough to make traveling a hassle. Though my school district is fairly strict with snow days.

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^ A snow day is quite possible, since as of right now according to WeatherBug, it's supposed to rain Thursday and then change over to snow overnight, which means a combination of snow and ice, which always increases the chance of school being canceled. Unfortunately, that would also make travel difficult as well.

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According to the National Weather Service, the air temperature is currently forecast to stay above freezing Thursday night into Friday morning. Hopefully this holds, and anything that falls will melt quickly.

I sent an e-mail with important check-in details to everyone who has signed up. Make sure to print the attached PDF and bring it with you to the Lodge. (Contact me if you didn't receive it.)

We still have 2 overnight slots and 2 wristband-only slots remaining if anyone else wants to be a part of this. Contact me soon if you're interested!

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Kind of like in maybe 2005, back when we lived in Indiana, my family went out to eat, and headed "back home", but the ride "home" was real long. We ended up at Kings Island.

I will tell him on the way there! I think a suitcase, and riding with LoraX and Katie will sort of make him question a doctors visit! B)

Dee and I were talking today about how you would hide it once y'all got here. Lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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We're now down to mere hours! Looking very forward to this!

  • Weather will be an issue for many. Drive slowly and check traffic/weather conditions. We're discussing the weather in the main meetup thread.
  • Feel free to arrive anytime. Some of us are already there, and we'll be up late Friday night with people arriving after the weather clears up.
  • Devan is already there, so he's the best person to call tonight and Friday morning with any issues/questions. His number was e-mailed in a PDF to everyone who has signed up.

  • Remember to text before you arrive so that we can be there to meet you.

We do have some additional space due to a couple weather-related cancellations. If you want to come and didn't sign up, contact us tomorrow to hold your spot and confirm that we still have space. (If you can't get money right away, let us know and I'm sure we can work something out.)

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