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Documentary concerning Seaworld ("Blackfish")

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SeaWorld expecting new baby


I was wondering if they would announce it since she will be ballooning out soon. New mommy to be is Kalia at the San Diego park, and the father (Ulises) also resides there as well. Personally I would have preferred it to happen later, but good news is she does have her mom there, and mentally wise Kalia has settled down from her brat stages (think her little brother Makani is partly the reason for it). My issue is she is still small, but that could be because I remember when her own mom was pregnant with her and it don't feel like 9 years ago (shoot I remember her older brother Nakai's birth in 2001...). Time flies.

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Dont read the comments section. Many people state their opinions based on information from Blackfish...

If these people who are chanting to end Sea World, would put their time/money behind anti-drug or drunk driving initiatives, this world may be a better place. Imagine all the people living life today.... oh sorry. Imagine all of these people working to together to end poverty.

Where is our national documentary on the poor and uneducated...

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Dont read the comments section. Many people state their opinions based on information from Blackfish...

If these people who are chanting to end Sea World, would put their time/money behind anti-drug or drunk driving initiatives, this world may be a better place. Imagine all the people living life today.... oh sorry. Imagine all of these people working to together to end poverty.

Where is our national documentary on the poor and uneducated...

I got to where I no longer bother reading comments on this particular topic, but Terpy is right about it being bad on most news topics of just about anything.

People watch Blackfish end up thinking they automatically know more than the current trainers that are actually with the animals.... yeah, right. Again orcas are animals, animals that LOVE sex at that and no human can stop them. At least the father of the calf isn't Kalia's own father who also happens to be at the park, SeaWorld actually did good here keeping her separate from Keet when she was cycling.

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There are people that have to be in a constant state of outrage in order to make conversation. One of my friends' has a sister that constantly posts her "Discuss" outrage posts on FB. When she posted about construction workers whistling at women, I had to be honest, "I'm tired of the whining, hon. Have you ever even met a construction worker to know why they do it?"

The girl is very spoiled, pampered, and sheltered, and I think a lot of those that feign constant outrage are in the same yacht. They have no real world experience to draw on for conversation, so they relay on a 'worksheet' approach to debate their nothing topics.

Most outragers are very boring people, that's why they have to glean talking points from documentaries. They are boring because they don't think for themselves, or do anything real with their lives.

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Now I mean I enjoy a good discussion, now and then. I feel I am more than capable of discussing the merits of teachers/education or how media works. I do not feel I know enough, or honestly care enough, to have a useful discussion about weather Zoos or shows are the best for animals. I would knee jerk answer to say that putting any animal in an enclosure can not be good for them. But I am not a biologist. My wife, the biologist, states that in certain situations they are better than dying in the wild and having a species become threatened or extinct. Same with if it helps foster a love of the animal then its a good thing as well.

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My wife, the biologist, states that in certain situations they are better than dying in the wild and having a species become threatened or extinct.

Tigers definitely come to mind.

As far as the recent news go about Kalia, apart from my issues with her size, I think she'll be alright. Her situation is actually an ideal one if she was raised in the wild and that's having her mom present. Kasatka is the boss of Shamu complex and the staff treat her with that respect as she is a proven attentive (and highly protective) grandmother while other females (Kohana at Loro Parque) haven't been as lucky to have mom around resulting the calf being hand raised by humans.

Kind of off topic while at the same time on topic (it adds to my previous post) but the newest member to the Marineland Antibes in France orca family (Shouka's natal pod) has been named Keijo. I mention him cause he is a result of an accidental breeding SeaWorld try hard to avoid with the help of the urine samples they collect regularly from the whales. (Keijo's father is also his uncle who is Wikie/Shouka's half brother).There been a handful of accidental breeding among family members in a couple parks which includes a father/daughter pairing in Marineland Canada (not related to the park in France thank goodness), mother/son pairing at SeaWorld Orlando and niece/uncle (twice) at Loro Parque.

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I suspect the good/bad argument would depend on the adaptability of the animal. As shown by cases of keeping exotic animals, it's a lot easier to own a dog than a bear.

I don't know how adaptable orcas are, but considering most in captivity have been bred in captivity, have their own dialect and as Faeriewitch has stated, their own family pods, perhaps it doesn't bother them as much. They will never be domesticated, but being intelligent, perhaps they adapt. That's a topic for shark's wife, not me. I think that I identify the orcas as being like dogs, which is stupid, but I still do it.

I wondered why they collected urine samples, I just thought it was for sciemtific study.

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It is, but it is primarily for medical reasons. Urine tells a lot about ones health (same with humans), as well where females are at in their reproductive cycle so they know when either AI can take place or if they just need to separate her from her brothers and father if they are present. I don't know why some activist throw such a fit over collecting urine samples, orcas aren't the only animals that go through with it.

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We decided to add a third park to our Florida vacation. Our visit to SeaWorld today was by far the most enjoyable of them all. The mix of rides and shows plus all the animal habitats was amazing. The kids never stopped smiling and enjoyed the kiddie area. Manta was my favorite Coaster out of the 14 (sorta) of them that I experienced this week. My love of Rays made the queue a thing of beauty. I then spent nearly an hour petting them before leaving. The Orca show was amazing, such beautiful animals.

Those that diss the park without knowing what they do there are nothing more than windbags. The park is filled with rescued animals, from Cats to Manatees.

I recommend everyone visit this park at least once in your life.

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Glad you had fun!

yeah...the kitties and much of the animals they have in the pet show all either came from shelters or were dumped off at SeaWorld. It's a shame but I like what SeaWorld does for those critters giving them a chance to a active life.

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They have a Great Dane! That was another high point, to me :)

The rescued Turtles brought tears to my eyes. People can be so heartless sometimes.

Only downside to the trip was an electrical malfunction at the Ray Encounter meant that I could not feed them.

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The rescued Turtles brought tears to my eyes. People can be so heartless sometimes.

Yep...same here. The pet show always makes me tear up somewhat, which is why I usually save it until the last day I am at the park cause by that point I start missing my fur babies as well as weird as that sounds >,<

It tends to aggravate me how a lot of the good SeaWorld is overlooked way they are now, especially for the manatees. Just look at red tide...it happens but a couple years back they had a very bad case of it in Florida. Many, and I do mean many manatees had to be rescued, it certainly kept Busch Gardens, SeaWorld, and a couple other places busy trying to care for all those manatees.

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Just remember...they are only doing it because it is trendy. :P It's just frustrating for enthusiasts like me since we been following the oceanariums, and marine parks closely for over 15 years before Blackfish was even a thought in anyone's mind. I got to where I just block people cause I'm tired of trying to educate..they're like mindless zombies to me.


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