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Easter Sunday

Losing Streak

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It was really uncrowded today. Like really. No crowd. At all.

When I got to the park, I walked down to my stand, and right away found out I wouldn't be working, because there was nobody in the park. So, I walked on Delirium. What a ride. It is sooooo cool, and so unlike any other ride. before it gets to really swinging, its like the scrambler, how its pushing you against the edges and stuff, but once you get spinning, its insane the feeling you get at the top, and then how fast you're really going when youre at the bottom, plus the g-forces that are on you. It's really something else. And the only thing that made me nauseous was the thought of being nauseous. The ride itself is really really cool.

Next, I went and rode SOB. Still rough as ever, and also louder than ever, but still a great ride. After that, I went home, as I didn't feel much like riding anything else. But it was a great day to ride rides. No line for anything.

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Well great! but there is no chance that I am going on EASTER SUNDAY. The park shouldn't even be open today, much less any other business out there. Even if you don't celebrate the religious Easter, you should still be home with your families.

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I really dont think its a big deal that PKI was open on easter sunday. To many people, easter is just another day when they happen to recieve candy from a jolly bunny rabbit. On holidays, your supposed to have fun and things of that sort. If you need to be with your families, take them with you.(not trying to be rude) smile.gif

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Did you guy's read the post? the whole post? or just what you wanted to read. I said:"not all people are religious and celebrate this holiday, but they should still be home with their families" this applies to the workers at the park too. And PKI_GUY, this holiday is not just some day where an Easter bunny hopes around givig candy. I did find that offensive. Look in a history book and find it, you don't have to be a Christian to know the stuff behind it. Not to be harsh, but by naming it Easter Sunday you did infer to a religious holiday, meaning that this very easily could turn into a religious debate and probably will. I am happy that you got today off, and that the lines were so short, but I think this needs to be closed before a religous debate should happen. Not even I want one of those. You guys better be praying that I don't manage this park one day. Because if I do, it WILL be closed today, Good Friday, Memorial day, and July 4th (while still keeping the fireworks display because thats plain old awesome!!) I would keep the park open one of those days in September that its usually closed. This is all hypothetical of course. Just making a point. By the way, why is the park closed for almost all of September????

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I hope you're sarcastic, greenghost, because every ride in the park was a walk on. And as far as closing the park today goes: you didn't go because of your beliefs. I respect that. But I had time to visit my family and still go to the park and have fun (or work) afterwards. There are plenty of non-denominational employees, and employees who don't celebrate easter, and people who can work late shifts after going to church or wherever. We all have the option of not working on any given day, and you had the option, as a guest, to not come. Why should it matter if other people had that option? Just because you think that people shouldn't go out and be entertained on easter sunday doesn't mean your views should be pushed on the rest of the world. That sounds pretty saddam-ish to me, for you to want the park to be closed because of a religious holiday... I don't see the park closing for any other kind of holiday, of any other religion. And yes, i just compared you to saddam, inraider.

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I worked an early open today.... 8-4:30 and i still had time for church and having a nice time with my family and friends at our Easter Dinner. And as someone above mentioned...We had the option of not working, they are not MAKING US WORK. So if we were uncomfortable working today, we did not have to.

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Well thats good, I respect the park for that. I am also glad that some of you got to work and still see your families for Easter. I despise that Losing Streak, and you are just doing it to get a rise out of me because you know that I would flip out. Well I am not going to, but I must say this, anyone who even thinks about comparing another person like that to some one of Saddam's stature obviously has no contemplation about how awful he truly is and thats a very shallow thought to have. I would seriously re-examine myself before making another inferance like that again. Anyways, I am glad you all got some time off, if you wanted it and that the lines weren't very long. Which was a definite good thing. Anyways, I hold to my belief that Easter should be treated in a more proper manner. By the way, Happy Easter everyone!

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I hope you're sarcastic, greenghost, because every ride in the park was a walk on. And as far as closing the park today goes: you didn't go because of your beliefs. I respect that. But I had time to visit my family and still go to the park and have fun (or work) afterwards. There are plenty of non-denominational employees, and employees who don't celebrate easter, and people who can work late shifts after going to church or wherever. We all have the option of not working on any given day, and you had the option, as a guest, to not come. Why should it matter if other people had that option? Just because you think that people shouldn't go out and be entertained on easter sunday doesn't mean your views should be pushed on the rest of the world. That sounds pretty saddam-ish to me, for you to want the park to be closed because of a religious holiday... I don't see the park closing for any other kind of holiday, of any other religion. And yes, i just compared you to saddam, inraider.

Wha? no no no you got it all wrong man i couldnt go because i didnt have a ride i would have drove my self there but i dont have any car insureance!Yes i do celebrate Easter and Christmas !!but i still wanted to go to PKI i wanted to ride SDATHC with no line same with Delirium! biggrin.gif

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i wanted to go today but didnt yeah its a Easter ...but i wanted thrills without waiting in HUGE long line!

I just took you to mean that you didn't want to go because there would be lines-- Sorry.

Hey no Problem!everyone makes mistakes i make em all the time! i think its better to go on a Holiday no lines!!! i dunno about the 4th of july?

Edited by GreenGhost2003
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The 4th of July fireworks show kicked last year. I was amazed. ohmy.gif Somehow I remember watching discovery channel sometime in the last few years about a cincinnatti fireworks company who was doing a show for a major client. It turns out the client was PKI and they filmed the fireworks show and the preparing in the PKI parking lot because you could see Face/Off, DZ, Eiffel Tower, and SOB in the background. It was sweet. biggrin.gif The night of the fourth, people started showing up at the front gates just to see the fireworks show around 10:00PM. We had a hell of a time getting out that night. We watched the show from our truck in the gold parking area and the view was awesome. I think we ended up waiting in the parking lot for 2 hours and on the interstate for at least 1 hour.

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Did you guy's read the post? the whole post? or just what you wanted to read. I said:"not all people are religious and celebrate this holiday, but they should still be home with their families" this applies to the workers at the park too. And PKI_GUY, this holiday is not just some day where an Easter bunny hopes around givig candy. I did find that offensive. Look in a history book and find it, you don't have to be a Christian to know the stuff behind it. Not to be harsh, but by naming it Easter Sunday you did infer to a religious holiday, meaning that this very easily could turn into a religious debate and probably will. I am happy that you got today off, and that the lines were so short, but I think this needs to be closed before a religous debate should happen. Not even I want one of those. You guys better be praying that I don't manage this park one day. Because if I do, it WILL be closed today, Good Friday, Memorial day, and July 4th (while still keeping the fireworks display because thats plain old awesome!!) I would keep the park open one of those days in September that its usually closed. This is all hypothetical of course. Just making a point. By the way, why is the park closed for almost all of September????

Yes i agree with everyword you said i myself am a Christian But i would keep the park open on holidays some familys might wanna spend there holiday at pki without waiting in lines smile.gif and to answer your question inraider Sept the park is closed because of School days! most kids are going back to school in Sept and thats what almost half of the workers for pki?? blink.gif

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Yes i agree with everyword you said i myself am a Christian But i would keep the park open on holidays some familys might wanna spend there holiday at pki without waiting in lines smile.gif and to answer your question inraider Sept the park is closed because of School days! most kids are going back to school in Sept and thats what almost half of the workers for pki?? blink.gif

No the park does not close because of school days. The park is still open but not to the public. Companies buy out the park for a whole day. Only the employees of that company can come to the park then.

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Can't we all just get along?

Hey, I'm a Christian too and I was home with my family on Easter Sunday. But I chose not to go to PKI only because I wanted to cook a nice Easter meal for my wife:

1. Oven baked honey ham that was marinaded for 24 hours in white wine, orange juice, pineapple juice, lemon juice, brown sugar, and honey.

2. Ham sauce made of pineapples, soy sauce, ketchup, mustard, and corn starch.

3. Candied yams.

4. Corn on the cobb.

5. Vegatable medley (carrots, green beans, bell peppers, onions, and asparagus marinaded in chicken broth and steamed with butter)

6. Toasted Italian bread.

7 Strawberry pie, made from scratch with a touch of Marsala wine, for dessert.

I spent many hours in the kitchen. But if I were single.......I would've spent the day at PKI - and I would've been overjoyed by the short lines.

Let's not argue about religion. To quote Little Tim from the Christmas Carrol "God bless us all, every one of us."

- ItalianChef

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My family and I went to the park easter. We came all the way from Tennessee to go to pki for the weekend, so before we left for home we went to the park. It was awesome, one of the better days i've ever had at a theme park! It was me and one other guy at TR:TR for about 5 min. till a group came in. It was great.

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