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Kings Island Fun


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All year I've been told to have a FUN day, to have fun at the park no matter what. To be honest, it's true I do have fun at the park, whether in memories, marathons, or even the semi occasional stroll around Kings Island taking in the sights and sounds of my home park. So, I thought it would be a good idea to share what are things that are fun to do at Kings Island, or any other park.

For me, having fun is like I said. Riding The Beast, it just is an experience that makes me smile. Going down into the pit that we know as the first tunnel, or going through the woods at a (somewhat) rampant speed. Or how about starting out my day at Delirium with Early Ride Times, going back and forth, and spinning round and round reminds me of being a child and riding the swings while twisting the chain. Plus, I'll admit it, I'm a fan of spinny rides that go really fast. But, of courseI cannot forget the waterpark. It's the same old slides that I rode long ago, bringing vivid memories of going down my first time, or getting the thrill of my life on Tropical Twisters and Rendezvous Run. It just brings about that warm fuzzy feeling of peace and happiness being at a place that I could unwind at, and have fun at, in my opinion, the best part of the park's property.

Oh, might I add a special thanks to everyone at the park who makes the fun work and run properly and safely!

#KIBestDay !

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I have way more fun "just hanging out" rather than riding particular rides or whatever. Some of my best memories are, and always will be, spending time with friends and family at KI. Those are irreplaceable.

To me, Kings Island isn't just a park or a place... it's like home. I've dedicated most of my adult life to that place and I don't say that with regret.

I have a degree in marketing, but I can tell you that I learned far more from the park than I did any text book. That worked, what didn't? Why did they do that? Why did that program expand, or why didn't it come back? To me, that sort of thing is far more interesting than what new ride is coming the following year.

Checking the promotions page on KI's web site is as exciting to me as actually visiting. I am fortunate to call home to a park where they see the value in adding more and more reasons to visit constantly. I really don't care to see The Avengers in July, but I'm excited to see how it's promoted and ultimately how it pans out.

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