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Pay for a Haunt?

Dr Zhark

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^ For me, no, no, and no, respectively. I ocassionally do the mazes because they are there and they are free. But for me personally, any price tag is too high.

I'm sure that haunted maze fans might pay those prices, even the $259 price, depending on the rumored quality and their level of interest.

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At many of the UK's parks, it's pay-per-maze, with a different ticket needed for each.

The big shift in the US has been a single up-charge maze with a unique angle - usually, going through alone. Those premium mazes can sell out of many nights. Knott's Trapped is one such example, full of puzzles and interactive scenes.

Last year, Knott's paired their Fright Lane with "Skeleton Key," which unlocked new and exclusive rooms in mazes. Knott's is a Cedar Fair park...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I go and pay to get into Kings Island Halloween Haunt and expect to go through all of their Haunts that they have to offer when I purchase my Gold Pass under that price. No way am I going to pay A Few Dollars More for a single Haunt when I could put that money into purchasing tix to Orlando's finest halloween event, no sorry kiddos, it's not the Not So Scary category.

I would feel like I was conned, bamboozled, hoodwinked* for my cash if they do that, I love love love love love X10 the Kings Island Haunt method that they had last year; the Skeleton Key only making it better. But I couldn't imagine myself paying more for something like that, nor have I ever before, I never rode Thunder Alley (Where tall people come to get some uncomfort) until my free-bee with Fun Perks.

*Edited for Terp's ever so inquisitive nature in regards to my occasional diction.

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That's fine!

The whole point of the premium experiences that have been popping up at most every major theme park in the U.S. is that not everyone will take part. That's the purpose of providing something premium. And in fact, what you're suggesting is a "premium" experience of your own. Instead of paying a bit extra for an upcharge experience at Kings Island, you want to instead put that money toward a trip to a much larger destination resort. It's all well and good. in fact, the system relies on folks who say, "That's not worth it to me, so I won't do it." If no one felt that way, it wouldn't be a "premium" experience at all, would it?

And even if you feel pretty darn sure, things change. It wasn't too long ago that members here were protesting Dinosaurs Alive and promised to never step foot in it because of that insidious upcharge. And remember the many folks here who would never touch Fast Lane with a 50 foot pole? Now we organize days when KICentral specifically goes and purchases Fast Lane Plus. Things have a way of becoming less black-and-white in your mind over time. That, and sometimes you just want a premium experience!

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I go and pay to get into Kings Island Halloween Haunt and expect to go through all of their Haunts that they have to offer when I purchase my Gold Pass under that price. No way am I going to pay A Few Dollars More for a single Haunt when I could put that money into purchasing tix to Orlando's finest halloween event, no sorry kiddos, it's not the Not So Scary category.

I would feel like I was jipped for my cash if they do that, I love love love love love X10 the Kings Island Haunt method that they had last year; the Skeleton Key only making it better. But I couldn't imagine myself paying more for something like that, nor have I ever before, I never rode Thunder Alley (Where tall people come to get some uncomfort) until my free-bee with Fun Perks.

What do gypsies have to do with this?

Inquisitive Terpy*

(The verb gypped or as you put it jipped is offensive to many).

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I go and pay to get into Kings Island Halloween Haunt and expect to go through all of their Haunts that they have to offer when I purchase my Gold Pass under that price. No way am I going to pay A Few Dollars More for a single Haunt when I could put that money into purchasing tix to Orlando's finest halloween event, no sorry kiddos, it's not the Not So Scary category.

I would feel like I was jipped for my cash if they do that, I love love love love love X10 the Kings Island Haunt method that they had last year; the Skeleton Key only making it better. But I couldn't imagine myself paying more for something like that, nor have I ever before, I never rode Thunder Alley (Where tall people come to get some uncomfort) until my free-bee with Fun Perks.

What do gypsies have to do with this?

Inquisitive Terpy*

(The verb gypped or as you put it jipped is offensive to many).

The "many" consisting more of white people thinking that Gypsies should be offended by the comment, than Gypsies themselves, by a wide margin.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with Terpy. It would really depend on what is being offered, the quality, and the cost.

If it was something worthwhile and only cost a few dollars more I'd consider it. If it was going to be another $30 or so I'd most likely skip it.

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I feel like there is a large group of people who pay just for admission into KI for the Haunt if they don't have a Gold Pass. Those people would probably not be very interested in paying more for a haunt maze when the others are free. I used to work at the park and got a lot of complaints that Skyflyer and Slingshot cost money to ride. Granted a decent amount of people still ride despite this, but you understand my point

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 822 Windows Phone using Tapatalk

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Again, depends what's offered and the price.

If Kings Island builds a haunted house that is, really, no different than the ones they already have and charges $1 per person, there will be folks who'll do it if only because its line is bound to be a little shorter (and the up-charge may give the illusion that the haunted house is superior, even if it isn't).

If Kings Island builds a haunted house that is, really, no different than the ones they already have and charges $50 per person, then sure... that'll exclude people.

If Kings Island built the world's longest and most intense haunted house and it cost $10.00 extra, then you've reached a happy medium where it's an upgraded experience with a moderate up-charge that is probably earned.

As Knott's has done it in the past, the up-charge haunted house is $60 for a group of up to 6. So $60 for one person, $10 per person for a group of six (with the idea being that facing it alone is a test of bravado and a once-in-a-lifetime type experience, and thus something folks would be willing to pay for).

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