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Shorter Lines and Freakier Rides: The Future

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FWIW Disney recently said that the Magicband portion of MMP will not be migrating across the country (DL guests tend to be day trippers or, at best 1-2 nighters), but they did indicate that at least the FP+ component will be integrated into the parks. In my mind, parks like KI/CF/SF have no incentive to eliminate all lines, so long as guests are willing to pay for expedited access to the rides.  If everyone could basically walk on a  ride with little to no wait (via a reservation system or whatever), the per caps would go down, since there would be less of an incentive to buy food/drinks/souvenirs since the stay will necessarily be shorter.The question to me is at what price point will guests no longer consider expedited access to be worth it.  I'd be curious to know what level of Flash/Fast Lane pass Six Flags/KI guests tend to buy most often.  

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I don't think the ride reservation systems would necessarily make the day at the park any shorter. Most of them are set up right now where you get to skip the line on a ride but can't book your nex ride until that one is done, or like at Disney you pick your timesbut they are generaly spread out a bit as well, or else lmited to a certain numer. So you will be in line less but at the park just as long. This means  you essentially have mroe time to spend in the shops adn restaurants. Many will probably use the time to get an extra few rides in, but if you don't have enough time between your ride time and the wait time for another ride you're likely to spend it looking at other stuff in the park. This will result in more purchases being made as many more people will be going into shops that would not have before or sit down to eat versus just grabbing a snack.

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In the case of Disney, I got to experience firsthand what happens when all my prearranged FP+ times get wiped out for no particular reason. They simply reinstate your selections with open-ended times (park open to close).  Not an issue for KI Fastlane since its paper-based, but more of an issue for SIX.  

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