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Behind The Theme Park Scenes coming in 2017!

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Hey everyone,  I just wanted to give a shout out. I haven't been on in a while due to working on my new media company my friend Kris and I have been working on. It's called Behind The Theme Park Scenes. We are a theme park news site that provides everyday theme park news, and behind the scenes views.  We are not a fansite, but a real news organization that will bring industry news to the general public and enthusiasts.  We will be providing in-depth stories, cool photography, and vlogs from parks around the United States. Our goal also is to have official gear available to buy, that will be designed by KWDesigns. If you have not seen his work, check him out on Facebook.  We are currently working on getting our website up and running, and plan to go live 1/1/2017.  

So come check us out on the links below, and please like, follow, and share.


**FYI Ryan did approve this post



Thanks everyone

Brian & Kris







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We are not a fansite, but a real news organization that will bring industry news to the general public and enthusiasts.What's the difference between a fan site and a 'real news organization'?  




We will be providing in-depth stories, cool photography, and vlogs from parks around the United States.


Sure sounds like a fan site to me.  Then again, when I'm working with news crews they commonly do live Facebook shots between hits... sounds like vlogs in a way to me.  Of course, TPR does vlogs, articles, photos, etc... that's a fan site, right?


The reason why I ask is because the lines blurring to two is a consistent debate.  Heck, KIC used to have a contract with a major local media company that involved sharing revenue as well as a direct RSS feed from our main page to their entertainment section.  Although I felt like a big leaguer, I never really felt like we had become a 'news' organization.


I guess the difference between a fan site and a news company boils down to just one thing: journalistic integrity.  Does KIC have it?  Of course not.  If we did, we'd sometimes have front page articles talking about the seedy underbelly of the park and the industry.  That's not what people come here to see.  They want to see what's new and exciting.  It also comes down to relationships too.  Did you notice how Robb Alvey changed his attitude once he started his TPR Club?  They used to have a niche of selling DVDs that was their whole family making fun of parks and complaining about them while they're there.  Now they say that every park is their favorite and in exchange for having park events and so on.  Trust me when I say that the first time you call Kentucky Kingdom wanting a quote about a PR issue, as they have a tenancy to have from time to time, it'll be the last time they talk to you.  You've got to remember that calling yourself a news organization does not make you a WLWT, WCPO, or any other thing.



Who is trying to be helpful.....

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