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KI opening weekend - My weight loss check-in


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Managed to visit KI today, opening weekend with 3 of my kids.  Today was check-in day for me on my weight loss journey.  A little over 6 months ago, I decided to make changes to lose weight for good.  You see I haven't been able to fit on Diamondback, Flight of Fear, and Drop Tower in almost 10 years.  Last October I weighed 295 lbs.  Today, before heading to the park I weighed in at 254 lbs.  I know I still have a ways to go but today was about celebrating what I've already accomplished, and enjoying the time with my kids on some great rides.  For that goal alone, today was a great win for me.

The weather wasn't ideal, but we dressed warm and had fun for a short while.  A good intro to what should be an enjoyable season.  Lines were short and the rides were fast.

First up was the big test for me, Diamondback.  The test seat was a quick victory as I was able to get the green light with minimal effort.  I was a bit worried, having worn so many extra layers of clothes to stay warm, but all worked out in the end.  The line was fairly short, about 10 minutes.  The ride itself, cold, fast, and furious.  Unfortunely, the rain forced us to cover our faces for most of the ride.  However, we all exited the ride with big grins.

Next up, Mystic Timbers.  This was the shortest line I had ever seen for MT.  Still waited about 15 minutes.  This ride too was fast and fun, but the misting and cold air were relentless again.  Especially in the front car!  In the shed, the riders clapped in unison to the music playing on the possessed radio.  What a great experience!

The Beast line was oddly long, so we left The Beast for another day.

Next was the Stunt Coaster.  A quick 5 minute wait and off we went, zooming through the course.  The warmth from the fires and explosions were wonderful!

Sadly, the Arrows were closed today so no Vortex.  My kids were surprised and elated to see the autos in action, but we weren't willing to wait in the incredibly long lines for them.

Next were walk-ons for WindSeeker and Bumper cars.  Always a pleasure on these rides.

We checked Flight of Fear, the app reporting a 0 minute wait.  No way the lines were empty on such a cold and miserable day.  Sure enough, a 45 minute wait.  We passed again on the long line.

Next was another walk-on at Delerium.  Again, we had to cover our faces due to the rain and wind.  This caused a few of us to become a little nausious.  But we pressed on.

Next was a really short wait on Banshee, always a great ride with a reasonably fast line.  I was pleased to find I could now ride in any row I want, not just the big boy rows 4-5.  Another win for me.  This ride also has a habit of getting you extra wet in the rain.  As the trains tip up the hill, pools of water drop directly on you from above.  Yuck!

Last up, another test for me.  A ride on Drop Tower with one of my daughters (the other 2 kids were done by this point).  Again, no line for this one.  Cold and windy at the top, but always a great drop, I really love this ride.

At this point, everyone was content with what they got to ride, and after 3.5 hours we were done with the weather.  A great first visit and a rewarding day for myself personally.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I recently reconnected with an old friend that I used to work with. He was always a little husky.

I was on his podcast about a year ago. First time seeing him in a couple of years. He had lost a ton of weight. He said that he rode Drop Tower one time and the ride op had to use their entire body weight to push down his restraint. This was his “things need to change” moment. He is a casual KI guy, but weight loss wasn’t his main goal - however KI was the inspiration.

Glad you are reaching your goals. Regardless of KI, you will be a happier, healthier you if you keep it up.

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