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Another b&m accident, this at Sea World

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  • Coastercrush changed the title to Another b&m accident, this at Sea World

This is surprisingly common on new coaster installs.  It never made the news, but lightning run was involved in a minor rear end collision in its opening year.  The head of maintenance had concerns that the transfer track area was controlled only by drive tires.  Chance disagreed.  There was a day in its opening season where it started raining and both trains were on the track.  The purple train rear ended the green train.  Both trains had minor damage, the greens damage was limited to the electronic control box on the back but the purple one cracked the fiberglass front on the lead car leading to repairs being needed.  You probably can’t see it anymore but when it happened you could tell the repair spot due to the mismatched purple color.  Pinch brakes were installed afterwards and if the coaster had two trains on they would call it down in the rain rather than transfer it off like they do in many other parks

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5 hours ago, Taylor.B03 said:

Didn't this almost happen early last season with Orion where there almost was a collision at the station but the ride ops did stop it from happening in Orion's case.

General consensus was that there was nearly a crash but it was avoided.  See:


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