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Things to tweak on IJ


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After today's technical rehersals, what are some things that you've noticed could use a little work on the ride?

Here's my list:

1. The effects weren't timed correctly.

a. Unless you were in the back seat, you couldn't really see the warehouse scene.

b. The splashdown happens before the train hits the water.

2. Audio needs to be turned up. You can only hear the speakers inside the car at the beginning and end of the ride, yet it is supposed to be part of the who experience.

3. The fishtailing is weak. From what I understand, the spring mechanisms loosen up over time and will be felt more once the ride has taken a few more trips around the block.

4. Yes, the mechanism that makes the train rumble down the stairs was turned off.

5. The LIM boost before the splashdown wasn't on.

6. From what I've heard, we may or may not have seen everything that the warehouse scene has to offer.

The ride was amazing BEFORE these little things were worked on... just imgine it in full swing!!

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i agree with everyhting above.. yea it was totally awesome!!! rode it twice today.. first time PERFECT ride in the left rear of the red car... second time the water wasn't working and the copter was off... right rear of red car (not quite as good as the first ride.. but still liked it). that first turn after the launch is intense.. wow that was awesome!! great ride.. can't wait to see it all put together.

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I didnt hear the sirens at all. I was kind of dissapointed in it with how short it was, but I guess I cant say for sure if I like it untill everything is working right.

There are no sirens

From what I understand, the effect of the sirens is going to come out of the speakers in the trains, which isn't perfect yet.

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