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Reptar Pictures?


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Wild Thornberry's had a photo thing before any other ride at the park (when it was Kings Mill). They use to put a flag on your boat if you wanted a picture and the people at the photo booth would take a Polaroid of your log as it was coming down the hill.

Anyone else remember that?

And as far as the pads on Reptar, they move around to accomodate various sized people, such as myself. So, I'm not complaining!

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"Wild Thornberry's had a photo thing before any other ride at the park (when it was Kings Mill). They use to put a flag on your boat if you wanted a picture and the people at the photo booth would take a Polaroid of your log as it was coming down the hill."

I've been going to KI since it opened and I didn't know that. I bet it was a Polaroid Instamatic picture. How cheesy, but cool.

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Polaroid is an INSTANT picture - develops in 60 seconds.

Kodak cameras were known as INSTAMATICS - the film required developing in a lab.

What I often wondered, since you pre-paid for the picture on the log ride - what happened if it didn't come out? Or if a bird flew in front of the camera when the shot was being taken? Or some chick flashed her "you know whats" on the down side of the hill? (there is a web site loaded with pictures of females flashing their "you know whats" on Splash Mountain at Disney - I believe the site is called Flash Mountain!)

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