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8/31 - So I thought


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Two friends and I took the day off from work to go to PKI. As we drove in to the entrance, there were two cars behind us. Then we saw - the park was closed. D'oh! I thought that PKI was open daily until Labor Day. So did my friends. Not much of a report.

Have a great day!

Italian Chef


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I went to see a movie with Kim and Ken - then we had dinner with my wife and son.


1. Kim was my co-worker in Japan.

2. Ken is my co-worker in the USA.

3. I introduced them to each other at PKI.

4. They got engaged at PKI.

5. Ken and I are both ministers in the same Church as a certain PKI marketing lady.

6. I made a great speech at Kim & Ken's wedding and mentioned PKI.

Have a blessed day!

Rev. Italian Chef


PS - I am looking to carpool to PKI on Monday to save money for all of us.

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Sorry folks, the moose out front should have told you.

Another classic line courtesy John Candy.

I actually did have a Clark Griswold moment. For we were due to leave on a family vacation on Sunday. We were to pick up a brand new minivan from the dealership on the preceeding Saturday. I figured the dealership would try"Clark Griswold" me by trying to stick me with a "family truckster" vehicle, knowing I was leaving the very next day.

But dealership came through and we drove to the Florida Gulf Coast in a new Honda Odyssey as planned.

By the way, Big Kahunas a Destin waterpark is worth a day of fun despite the steep entrance fee.

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