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So PKI hasn't really announced the specifics of this new rollercoaster. I was wondering what you guys are thinking they may have in store. I know people have passed around the thoughts of a disk-o style or halfpipe style, but the press release said "First of it's kind."

So what are your thoughts?

Personally I'm still hoping for the first installation of an ArrowBatic coaster....I think S&S Power is still marketing this Arrow Coaster idea that was never built.

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There were multiple designs to the ArrowBatic coaster....including a "family" version. I have always wanted them to put in one of these coasters for the adults, especially when KC went away....that land was prime for one. But if I can't get an adult version I would go with the "family coaster" version anyday.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So was anybody at the ACE walkback in which Jeff Siebert apperently confirmed that this is going to be a Disko-coaster??? I haven't heard this until today.

At an ACE walk back at the park on Saturday, Jeff Seibert confirmed to the group my rumor that Avatar would indeed be one of the new Zamperla Disk’O Coasters. However, there will be a few differences between this version at the one going to PGA... Avatar’s car will be in the shape of a skateboard instead of the traditional Disk’O, and they are likely to face inwards instead of outwards. The redesign of the PKI version of the PGA version will allow for the ride to offer a lower height limit since it will be part of the Nick Universe project unlike the PGA ride.

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You'd think if that was really announced that someone on this site would've been there and had it up way before Screamscape huh.gif Not saying it isn't true, just saying I have my doubts!

BTW, what does a skateboard have to do with Avatar? Sounds like Rocket Power would be more suiting!

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Makes perfect sense why they would face the seats inside instead of outside, for height restrictions and all. Well NU so far is not living up to the hype. I love the DiskO coaster for what it is, but to lessen its thrills for NU and to also make it one of the signature attractions for the new expansion. Sorry but this is kinda lame to have Avatar be a DiskO that is going to be an anchor for NU.

^Thats a nickles worth.

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He said that?

Hmm looks like someone has added some extra verbage and made their own offiical announcement for next year.

From the Desk of RailRider...


Kings Island will be adding (Insert Your Choice Here) for the 2006 seasson to be the anchor attraction of Nick Universe.....

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Yes, all Jeff Siebert mentioned was that the new coaster would be "SIMILAR" to the post on Coasterbuzz mentioning the Zamperla Disk-O. If you``ve donne any research on that coaster, you will know that its height requirement of 48" (per the manufacturer) is a little steep to install at PKI in their children`s area. I`m assuming there will be some sort of modifications made to the design to lower the height restriction so that it is at least in line with Runaway Reptar (44"). Also, I hope for capacities sake, they make it a continuous circuit model, so that one train is loading while the other is on the course. But anyway, the new "coaster" will be pretty much gauranteed to have a higher capacity than SGC.

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I think Avatar will look like this but hanging http://www.coasterimage.com/pictures/walda...steeldragon.htm.

Hell, I'd kill for a spinning mouse at PKI! I've not ridden the Mauer Sohne version (the one in the picture you linked to) but I rode both of the new Gerstlauer spinners this summer. They are a TOTAL BLAST! I'll be quite sad if Avatar is indeed a modified DiskO. The restraints were painful, the ride was OK but pretty uneventful once it got started. Just doesn't seem like a good fit for NU, but oh well.

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