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Unforgetable Memories from 05


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Standing on the Eiffel Tower 07/04/05, and looking down at 35,000 individuals staring up at the Nights of Fire show, and reminising on the 4 years I had with the park, and how scared I was of my up and coming career. Tearing up and reliving great memories.

I know how you feel. I was the same exact way when I launch train at Flight of Fear. It was a sad sad day sad.gif For those of you who worked with me, I miss you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I was supposed to meet up with this really hot girl but it turned out she was ugly blink.gif

and my friend got suspended from PKI for 2 years cus he tried to steal somthing unsure.gif

and i rode IJST for the first time and i rode in the fromt of every ride one trip to PKI!!!!!!!!!!

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Standing on the Eiffel Tower 07/04/05, and looking down at 35,000 individuals staring up at the Nights of Fire show, and reminising on the 4 years I had with the park, and how scared I was of my up and coming career. Tearing up and reliving great memories.

I worked for Kings Island for 6 years. The things I learned working there have given me more assitance than anything I learned in College.

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Standing on the Eiffel Tower 07/04/05, and looking down at 35,000 individuals staring up at the Nights of Fire show, and reminising on the 4 years I had with the park, and how scared I was of my up and coming career. Tearing up and reliving great memories.

I worked for Kings Island for 6 years. The things I learned working there have given me more assitance than anything I learned in College.

So incredibly true. I still use a LOT of what they gave me. In teaching, it comes around quite often, but that's cause I'm still new being away from it, and with time that will wear.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Going through some of my old posts from the likes of sometime near November of 04, I found this http://www.pkicentral.com/forums/index.php...wtopic=2747&hl=, and it doesn't seem like it was that long ago that I was posting my memories from the 2004 season there and now I'm doing it again for 05, and thinking back to before this season with all the buzz about IJ:ST consturction buzz here at the site. Time really does fly if you think about it.

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