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FoF and IJ:ST restraints

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B/c FOF and IJST are two different rides. FOF is more intense then IJST and it goes upside and goes from 0-50 in 4 seconds. IJST is more gentle and has does not take off as fast as FOF. Just b/c they may have the same trains and restrants does not mean anything. Plus, I cant remember if IJST has it or not (b/c i only rode it once), but FOF has foot restraints too. Anyone who is exactly 54" tall has a hard time reaching them.

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QUOTE (FOF/Z 4-ever @ Jan 20 2006, 09:27 PM)

I was thinking more like bobby. he got me onto FOF anyways. 

i think it was both bobby and i that did it, he had 3 firsts that day...

Delirium, FoF, TRTR


YES, IJST has food restraints..........yes you are very low in the seats in FOF...........who ever that was sont start with SOB it is not getting taken down--------it could be that FOF has all those sudden turns and stuff

Ok, half the stuff you wrote, I am having trouble understand. IJST has food restraints??????? What do you mean? FOF is just more extreme then IJST. They are 2 different rides, and unlike what some may think, they have different Launchs. Again, FOF is 0-50 in 4 seconds and IJST just slowly takes off.

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WooferBearATL.... don't go starting a riot with the SOB comments.... some on this site are quite passionate of their love of this particular poor investment.

I dont really think its love for the investment but that most people just see the practicality of the situation and realize that the park isnt going to tare it down, why? because its not a realistic and monetarily feasible idea in the itnerest of the park, I wish it was better to, every offseason I look at the desing and think it looks so great then I'll go ride it during regular season and feel like I'm no longer able to have children.

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YES, IJST has food restraints..........yes you are very low in the seats in FOF...........who ever that was sont start with SOB it is not getting taken down--------it could be that FOF has all those sudden turns and stuff

Ok, half the stuff you wrote, I am having trouble understand. IJST has food restraints???????

ok if you passed the first grade surely you knew what he meant.. so no point trying to be funny about it. anywho...yea its just something the park and the ride manufacturers agree on together for safety reasons (the ride company doesn't want the park to allow just anyone on cause they'd get sued if someone got hurt...also the park doesn't want to get sued so they make these height limits for the safety of all) don't like the height restrictions?? .. well.. darn

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and again, to review, Italian Job is smoothly banked and properly banked so a child of 4 ft can ride. the ride was designed that way. Flight of Fear was designed to be quite intense, (Level 5 Ride), and therefore a child of 48 inches wouldnt be able to upright their head in the drum as someone of 54 inches would. there are quick drops and changes in direction, thus why FoF is 54, and the majority of IJST isnt so intense, there is one part that gets my stomach a little, the part just after the subway and before the helicopter zone. FoF rattles me, but I love it.

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YES, IJST has food restraints..........yes you are very low in the seats in FOF...........who ever that was sont start with SOB it is not getting taken down--------it could be that FOF has all those sudden turns and stuff

Ok, half the stuff you wrote, I am having trouble understand. IJST has food restraints???????

ok if you passed the first grade surely you knew what he meant.. so no point trying to be funny about it. anywho...yea its just something the park and the ride manufacturers agree on together for safety reasons (the ride company doesn't want the park to allow just anyone on cause they'd get sued if someone got hurt...also the park doesn't want to get sued so they make these height limits for the safety of all) don't like the height restrictions?? .. well.. darn

Yes, I past 1st grade, in fact, I am in college (Architectural Engineer). My question was what he meant by IJST has food restraints. What the heck are food restraints? Never heard of them. As far as I know, no one has but this guy.

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That would be a food restriction, and regardless, Flight of Fear has no food restrictions - because no such restriction exists. It has all five medical restrictions.

Riders must be 54 inches to participate.

Seatbelt must be able to lock.

Both feet must be under foot barrel.

Rider must be able to independently maintain an upright position, and have sufficient lower body mass to be properly restrained.

For your safety, guests with recent surgery or illness, high blood pressure, heart condition, pregnancy, and back neck and bone problems should refrain from riding. Only you know your limitations - we do not. Please ride responsibly.

ORC 1711.551 states that all riders must follow all directives given to them by the park and operators. Failure to comply is a misdemeanor.

Those are the only restrictions for FOF. Nothing having to do with food. But that is common sense - if you just ate some Bubba Gumps - don't ride a big roller coaster! I have seen what Vortex can do to someone with a stomach full of Bubba Gumps! Well so did about 100 guests and several other operators... weird.gif

I think the only reason the height requirements are different are that one goes 35 mph and one goes 54 mph. Also one goes upside down and the other doesnt.

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