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That's a very good question. PKIC days have been VERY popular in the past. They're always a lot of fun and you get to meet a lot of interesting people. I'd pencil in a PKIC meeting day sometime in June, but that's something that would be up for discussion. I want the out-of-towners to be able to join in this time too.

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Err...June doesnt work for me. I have this stupid college program that takes up the entire month..I'd say sometime in mid-July (so long as I have a day where Im not schedualed to work Coney)

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  • 2 weeks later...
So the question is just... WHEN! Just don't make it like next week! Give everyone about a month or two in advance! Thanks. -Hauntguy

When we have it, we will give everyone time to adjust accordingly. I especially want people from out of town to make arrangements to be there.

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