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Evil Kneviel at PKI


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^The Kings Island jump was featured on the history channel special about Evel Knevel called "absolute Evel". On Robie Knievels site he has listed that he may soon attempt to beat the Kings Island jump and some other jumps of his fathers.....maybe he'll do another at KI!?

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I don't see this as consistent with the image of Kings Island that Cedar Fair wants.

Besides, think....what if the the absolute worst tragedy you can imagine happen did...during the show. Times are different nowadays. I just don't see a family theme park wanting that kind of entertainment.

Then again, they do dive shows where the same potential exists, just less violently so...and probably far less likely.

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I think you underestimate the difference in philosophy between Paramount Parks (which might have allowed such a thing) and Cedar Fair, which almost definitely would NOT.

I really don't see how you think you know CF's philosophy. I realize that you know quite a bit about the industry, but, I don't think this is something you know. It would be a great stunt and something good for King's Island. Especially since Robbie has made every jump his father made and even the ones he didn't make. So, I guess all of the Six Flags Parks must be idiots since they are allowing Tony Hawk and co. to do a tour of the SF parks? There's definitely lots of room for mishaps there.

Good find, Ryan.

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