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I thought that might catch your attention! but i have found out 1 thing thatb there getting... next to Happy Days. If you didnt already know that there putting something in over there they are!!!! No its not a Ride, No its not a patio for Happy Days, No its not a Store, and its not another Restaurant. But it is (Drum Roll Please)


thats right, another basketball game!!!!! even though there is one a little down the way, but WHY the heck put yet another Basketball game? not that i would hate one there... but why not something we all want a NEW RIDE!!!!! so this is a petition na not really what is your thought. I mean there is already one there a little down the way. so yah. but if you like sign for fun you can!


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From a business standpoint, its a very good move.

Basketball games, while the prizes annoy the hell out of me, are very popular. Also, look at the area around Happy Days. The walkway to IJ near Troika is always dead. So lets combine the two and put a basketball game in a dead area. This should increase volume around that area, to a certain degree, and if done correctly, the park can possibly use some of that path to open new shops, or to get vendors in there. All this started from a simple basketball game.

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If you remember the "Big Game" down by Vortex last year, it was set up within a week and tore down within what, a month? So no, it doesnt. It really depends on how fast the games higer ups want this one operational.

Assuming we're talking about the same thing: Wasn't that game just housed in a converted trailer, though? The front half flipped up and it was pretty much ready to go, whereas this would be an installation. Not that throwing up a wall and some nets would take too long either biggrin.gif

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In the last two days, they have surveyed, and then already started vertical construction. And there were other things that you had to think about regarding the Big Game. It was a squirt game, which meant you needed plumbing out to the game so that you could fill it. Dont forget electrical. So there was a lot of work that went into that thing.

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I, for one, would gladly pay more for admission and/or for a season pass to any park that banned basketballs and didn't allow game hawkers to use microphones.

I strongly suspect those #%)%#& basketballs BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCING all day annoy a lot more people into not coming back or not coming as often as they otherwise would than they make profit for park.

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I, for one, would gladly pay more for admission and/or for a season pass to any park that banned basketballs and didn't allow game hawkers to use microphones.

I strongly suspect those #%)%#& basketballs BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCING all day annoy a lot more people into not coming back or not coming as often as they otherwise would than they make profit for park.

I agree but i will ignore them or ask for them to stop

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Is this a carry-over project from CBS, or did Cedar Fair initiate this? Makes some sense putting something in what has been dead space, but I can't agree more about the darned basketballs. Deflate 'em. They spent the money to play the games, I don't see how they can't get a pump from Wal-Mart.

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About the microphone hawking:

Can you imagine for a minute walking down Coney mall, and all you hear is crowd noise? No one saying "Come on over, come on in. Anyone can play, anyone can win." It would be kinda creepy. Granted, my job is keeping those microphones working (hey, someone's gatta do it) but without them, you just wouldnt have the same feel of Coney than what you do right now. It would seem almost completely dead back there. Plus, Coney Mall is (supposedly) a reminder of Coney Island, the good old Golden Days of theme parks. Its a piece of history that (through some ways) Kings Island is preserving.

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It isn't in Coney Mall where I find it most annoying. It's more over toward Rivertown, on the strip towards The Beast...

And there is hawking and using mikes (like at Cedar Point), and there is having the mike one half inch from your face, waiting til the distracted guest is right near your speaker, and then blasting into the mike. Especially when the victim is some poor old guy like me who is about as much a prospect for the game as I am for an Estee Lauder makeover.

Sorry, but I find the mikes VERY annoying. Not as annoying as the basketballs, but annoying. I, for one, hope Cedar Fair either lowers the volume and teaches people how to use them (as they HAVE at Cedar Point), or gets rid of them.

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It is a new bball 3 pt shot. It will be ready to go sometime soon and will be operational. We are hoping it will be good to go monday, actually. It will not be a 3pt shot that we already have such as Way Down Town or 3pt in Rivertown. It will be a 3pt shot like the pros and college athletes compete in: time limit, racks of balls, bonus ball, etc... If you have been to Cedar Point and I also hear Geagua lake has one, you know what I am talking about. The one at Cedar Point is right by demon drop at the front of the park.

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I, for one, hope Cedar Fair either lowers the volume and teaches people how to use them (as they HAVE at Cedar Point), or gets rid of them.

Haha, that reminds me...

Last time I was at Cedar Point, a guy working the Age/Weight game was on his mic (set at a perfect volume and not being annoying) asked if I wanted to play. I shook my head and smiled and continued walking by. The guy, on the mic, was like "Come on, don't be a *****"

I laughed so hard...

Yeah, probably not the best guest service or anything, but it actually made me smile. I wasn't about to complain to anyone about it.

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Well, if anyone cares...

I fought through the mega-crowds of Bring a Friend Free Day today and happened to pass the construction area a time or two. To my surprise (though cewldre mentioned this was the plan), it was open and operating--and quite a hit! It is, indeed, a different sort of basketball game, where the entire area is open, but fenced off, and it seems that rather than basketballs, the prize is an NBA jersey. There seemed to be three players at any given time, but only one hoop. There were a handful of operators dressed as referees, with one equipped with a microphone.

The area still seems unfinished to me, as there are two posts that are relatively bear, one on either side of the lone hoop. They each seem capable of holding another one, but due to their arrangement they may just be strangely-designed barriers, so the balls don't go back behind the game area. I'd love some clarification on this.

Also, as mentioned, the area was very well populated, attracting quite a crowd. It's difficult at this point to tell if the crowd was drawn due to the novelty, or simply because one couldn't take two steps without hiting a crowd today. I guess time will tell?

All in all, I think it could be nice.

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To answer my own question, this 3-Point Challenge has to be something Cedar Fair added on their own - and possibly the first real physical addition the new owners have made to the park. I went by Sunday, when they had most of it complete, except for some fencing and the scoreboard.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I went to Dorney Park yesterday and I say the game there! Let me tell you it was a hit! I watched it for about 30 minutes and I probably saw 30 peopel shoot and they all pay 5 bucks!!! Thats a lot of money! THe whole day everytime i walked by it was packed with people watching it and playing. Its a great game and a great move by CF!!!

Does anyone have any pics of it at PKI yet? This is the first simple step in the right direction!

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