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SF 3Q Earning Call?

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Did SF conduct a 3Q earnings coference call? I read the release when it came out at the beginning of November, but just had the opportunity to seek out the archived call to listen to... However, the latest call listed on their investor web site is the early August 2Q call.

Am I missing it somewhere, or did they not conduct a call for Q3? If not, that's really odd...

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Yeah, I had read the release...I knew the financial news. I just enjoy hearing the analysts' questions, and Shapiro's responses. (Although, they're not nearly as entertaining as the exchanges on the old Burke calls...) I guess SF just hasn't put the archived event on their site yet, and I didn't have a chance to check any of the others where I could most likely find it.

And, actually Interpreter, PKIC isn't my primary source for financial news, so I doubt if this would have been my first source for anything notable. ;)

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