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What would you do if Boomerang Bay became a seperate admission?

Young Gunz

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I voted "Get a KI or Maxx Pass but just not visit BB." I went to Boomerang Bay this year and I don't think that it's worth any extra money by itself. I mean it's very nice if you wanna cool off in the middle of the day by going to the wave pool and riding a slide or two but I don't think I'd be spending extra money to go.

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A lot of CF parks have sperate gated admission for their waterparks. Just wondering how you guys would react if KI became that way.

I honestly don't go to BB often enough to care since I'm not real big on waterparks. If I want to cool off while at KI, they have three water rides that I can get on.

I realize that this is what if, but I think CF would basically be shooting themselves in the foot to do that since the Beach is across the street from KI and charging admission to BB would just create competition that they don't currently have.

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Well, as an avid Kings Island fan, this is hard to admit. But, to the best of my knowledge, I`ve only been to Boomerang Bay once. And that was the season pass preview weekend for when it first opened in 2004!

Heck, I`ve gotten free admission to Sunlite Pool as well with my job at Coney for the last six years, and have only swam in it once, back in 2005!

I would be really surprised if Cedar Fair decided to make Boomerang Bay a separate gate. If they were to do that, they`d have to invest in more slides, as there is not enough, IMO, to keep guests occupied for the entire day at BB.

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