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Since I'm taking summer classes (again) to catch up to the extra 18 required credit hours going into the sophomore year, my girlfriend and I arrived to KI at about 2:30. Nonetheless, today was very interesting. *note* skip [] for condensed version.

[When we arrived, it was a little overcast and we weren't sure how many rides would be open and working. Luckily as we were walking to the park we saw both Vortex and Face/Off going up their respective lift hills. We were planning on riding Firehawk and a couple other things and then going to BB before eating dinner (put our towels and stuff in a book bag and then when taking the bag back to the car just go eat at McDonalds down the street and come back).]

So we went to Firehawk right away to see how long the line was. Great thing was that there was only both sides of the station full and then about 20 people in the queue waiting... Too bad that's because it was closed. So some guy named Matt (I think?) was telling people that they don't know when it'd open and to probably go on something else (obviously we stayed because they always say that). I asked if he knew what was wrong and he said that the mechanics were working on something in the station. So wanting to see for myself, I walked up to the green area with the fence to look into the station. After not seeing anyone in the station's track I continued looking and saw a head peeping up around the rotating track that goes to the lift hill. So about half an hour after this, we were on and started with a great flight.

Since our bag was already in the locker, we decided to hit up FoF. So we get just inside the UFO and there's an announcement over the PA saying it just broke down. A lot of people left but of course we didn't. Apparently the train they just shot off didn't make it and was stuck on the launch track. It was definitely interesting seeing people pushing the train back into the station. Once everyone was off the mechanics showed up and started to work. Enough people left that we were next in line for FoF and I could look down the launch to see some of the track since the lights were on. It was very interesting to see just a head popping out of the track right before the first inversion. About 10 minutes later they said to everyone that was left (just us 30ish people standing in the station) that it would take a while to fix and that we should probably find another ride. So disappointed, we left the station after waiting about twenty minutes for nothing.

[By this time I was convinced that whatever ride we went to next would break down. She decided we should go on Monster since she hasn't (and I don't know if I have either but I might have when I was younger). Worst decision ever? It doesn't make sense how the Monster has pneumatic arms yet can only load 2 of the 6 at a time. It's not that bad of a ride but for how long it takes to load and unload (and we waited for one other cycle to go before we got on), we ended up waiting about a total of 40 minutes.

After that debacle, I said we should go to Racer since the line for that is never long and it never disappoints. I also caught a glimpse out of the corner of my eye the new sign for Racer's Landmark status. Sadly I didn't really get to look at and and didn't get a picture since I don't take a camera usually . Any who, instead of waiting for backwards, we walked on forwards and made up for the time wasted with Monster.]

Next we walked back Action Zone way and noticed that Delirium had no line, but also wasn't swinging. I talked to the guy standing at the queue entrance and he said they've been having technical difficulties all day and probably weren't gonna open. Disappointed, again, we walked towards Face/Off expecting a 40 or so minute wait like usual. Surprisingly, the line only went to the loop so we got in line and waited about 12-15 minutes and had a great ride.

[Top Gun was next on my list but my girlfriend though there's usually a long line for it but I assured her she only thinks that because of how far you have to walk. So we made the trek back there and walked on, walked around, and then stayed on for a total of three rides. We could've rode a fourth time but decided to go eat since we were hungry.]

So in order to protest the high prices we took our swimming stuff (which we didn't use because it wasn't that warm with the overcastness and previous precipitation) to her car and drove to McDonalds. In order to not cause a controversy I used my parking card to get back in since we used hers to get in the first time. After passing the entrance to the Gold Pass and having to reverse we found no one at the post (which was very strange I thought).

In order to wait off the food we just ate we rode Beastie (never let in), Avatar, and Rugrats. Then we were going to ride TRTR but like Firehawk, FoF, and Delirium before it it was broken down. I decided not to ask the guy standing there because I really didn't care lol. We just continued on to The Beast. The PA guy there was trying to get the crowd pumped (which wasn't even a full station) by saying various stats included, "which goes upside down not 1, not 2, not 3, not even 7 times but a total of zero times." Of course I was the only one to start cheering whereas most people looked dumbfounded or weren't paying attention.

[After The Beast we hit up Vortex and then walked back X-Base to hit up Firehawk again. We waited for the front seat this time so we waited about an hour. Then since we couldn't get on FoF earlier we deiced to try once more before we left.]

At first I was excited because they started playing the video in the main queue room but was quickly annoyed because something was wrong with the audio and instead of hearing the show it was high pitched squealing noise which most people talked through whereas my girlfriend and I couldn't get our fingers in our ears quick enough. I was about to leave (not really :P ) but decided to fight through it. When we got to the station, I informed the back most ride attendant (since we were going to ride in the last seat) of the malfunction and she had the girl at the board turn off the video. I was kind of mad knowing I had it turned off but it was doing more pain than pleasure.

After our FoF, we decided to leave since we were both kind of tired. Overall it was definitely an interesting day. I'm guessing the mechanics loved it :wacko: .

Next time I write a report this long, I should charge people.

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Sounds like you went to SFMM not KI.


Better luck next time.


Seriously! Except they didn't have the sign at the front of the park with all the closed rides. At least Firehawk and FoF reopened, I'm not sure about TRTR and Delirium.

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Sounds like you went to SFMM not KI.


Better luck next time.


Except, except, except:

Recently, SFMM has had nearly all rides running all the time. See the closed rides board for 6.17:


Source: http://www.westcoaster.net/updates.php?upd...1907&page=2

Westcoaster is a known critic of Six Flags Magic Mountain and wants desperately for the park (AND its patrons) to clean up its act and succeed.

It always amazes me that most people on fan boards diss Great Adventure, in particular, for ride closings and maintenance hiccups, but excuse those same hiccups when they occur at their local park, Cedar Point or Holiday World.

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Even though the only park I've been to that they talk about is Disneyland, I love going to westcoaster.net because most of the guy's comments are pretty hilarious. It's also cool to see how other parks look and what's new there.

Was anyone else there yesterday and know if Delirium or TRTR ever opened or what was wrong with either?

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