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Coasting For Kids KI 2012 PTR/VTR


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I was hoping to write a trip report today with my photos and videos, but due to me not having much time today, I will just write a report today and hope to get photos and videos uploaded within the next couple of days. I hope to get them up soon, so keep checking here for up to date photos and videos i've uploaded. http://s1251.photobu...ds%20KI%202012/

So, I left my house at about 6:45AM on Sunday and headed to KI. I easily found 1-Team Way (Where we had to enter) and parked. My mom dropped me off and I got a green t-shirt, that had to be worn for identification reasons. I got there around 7:15, and didn't really recognize any KIC'ers. Around 7:40 who I thought were IndyGuy4KI/Brad and Avatar/Jesse walking towards the park. I said hi to Brad to make sure it was him, then Don told us our plan for the day. Something he said that wasn't mentioned anywhere else was that we would meet up for the 7:00 Ed Alonzo magic show, and get front row seating for it. We then entered the empty park through the main entrance, and walked to The Racer.

I took the back row on the second train for a couple rides. After 2 rides in the back, I just couldn't tolerate it, and switched to a non wheel seat. I switched seats a lot and took no breaks for what I counted as 49 rides (using a counter). The Racer crew couted 51 rides, so that could either mean I forgot a couple on my counter, or they miscounted, or both. It was then time for lunch and we headed to the International Restraunt (above the entrance).

It was a very nice and fancy place. There was even small Eiffel Tower models in the middle of our tables. There was wraps, chips, and cookies to eat. I ate at a table with Avatar/Jesse, IndyGuy4KI/Brad, Jlopez(right?)/Jennifer, XGatorHead/Gary, JCGoble3/Jonathon, and Fire-Beast-OF-FEAR/Didn't get his name. Food was great. I got a wrap, a little chips, and 2 sugar cookies. There were also families that were at the GKTW village talking about there fantastic trips, so I knew I was donating to a great cause. It was now time to head back to The Racer.

The first half of the day I was solo on every ride, and now I had a few rides with riding buddies. I switched up seats a bit, until at about 70 rides I went to the front row and Fire-Beast-OF-FEAR joined me. We had 10 fun rides in the front together until he had to go, then JCGoble3/Jonathon joined me. We rode in the front together for 20 rides, and I got to 100 rides, without taking a break. The Racer crew counted about 8 more rides then what I counted though, so this could mean what I mentioned earlier.

A couple rides later, I took a quick break to take a couple videos. They then said there was time for 1 more ride, so I hopped on with IndyGuy4KI/Brad for my last ride. I ended up with 103 rides, maybe more if I forgot to count a few. We then all headed to The Beast for The Beast tour.

We waited around 10 minutes and then Don took us behind a gate into the tour. It was a great tour, they took us really far back, and I got some nice videos of the ride, because of the many great angles we got. I then went with my lunch group towards the KI theater, and waited for around the fountains for about 15 minutes.

We then headed to the theater, and I met up with my mom, and Don took us back into the theater for front row seating, even though I got 2nd row. It was a nice show, with some good tricks and stuff. The KIC group I was in wanted to go to Hanks to eat, so I tagged along.

I got a taco salad, and it was pretty good, with a nice fresh shell as Jesse pointed out. At this time, there was still Brad, Gary, Jesse, and Jonathon in the group, and Jennifer just left. Gary suggested WindSeeker, so we all headed to it. It was a nice, relaxing ride.

We were then walking around, and I suggested Backlot, mainly because the line didn't look long from WindSeeker. It was only about 10 minutes, and WindSeekers wait was just to wait for the cycle to finish. It was a nice ride on Backlot, and I got the front hot seat. Beside me and the KICers, we were also with Gary's wife, Gary's daughter, and my mom. We then headed for a sort of Beast night ride.

The line was only like 10 or 15 minutes. My mom dosen't do The Beast, but the KICers talked my mom into that if she went in a middle row, it's not shaky at all. It was a great ride, and my mom liked it and was ok. It was about 9:30, so we headed to Diamondback for a night ride.

Gary's daughter still had a ways to go to be tall enough, but I can tell she will be a big coaster rider to. So she took to the bench with my mom. The wait was about 25 minutes, and I saw a lot of fast laners. We were just 1 train early for a fireworks ride, so that's to bad. We then sat down and watched the fireworks, then headed out. Definitely one of my best trips to KI ever, and it was great to finally meet some KICers.

Thanks for reading, and photos/videos are coming soon!

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Thanks Brad, and I now have a few videos/photos up. These were all taken with my iPod, so the camera quality isn't all that good, but I guess better than nothing. More coming tomorrow.

I edited it into paragraphs, thanks for the sugestion.

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A VERY nice trip report! :)

I am sorry that I never got to say hi to you...but I did see you...Jennifer pointed you out to me. When you got into the front seat I asked one of The Racer crew to get a picture of you. (I am still digging through my pictures, but I will post it.)

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Excellent trip report! I think both you and the crew miscounted, as I counted exactly 50 laps before lunch. I'm fairly certain of that because my method of counting (the lap function on my wristwatch's stopwatch) has built-in error checking, in that if I look down and see an abnormally high lap time when there wasn't an unusual delay, then I know I missed one.

Anyway, I'm glad you had fun, and I hope to see you back at CFK next year!

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I now have around 70% of my videos/photos uploaded that you can view here. http://s1251.photobucket.com/albums/hh547/ohiocolts/Coasting%20For%20Kids%20KI%202012/

And thanks guys, I can't wait to see the pictures of me in the front, J.D! Hopefully some other good reports are coming, because it has been a few days sense the event, so yeah!

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