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Everything posted by RuthlessAirtime

  1. I would guess that the copies we got are not the size that the actual blueprints are. Probably smaller in physical size, meaning the inches don't translate correctly when we measure them. But, we should still be able to go by the scale bar on the bottom, and it would still be bizarre if the printed scale is not the right size. That's why it's there in the first place. It would be extremely weird but not impossible if they screwed that up.
  2. Okay, big post incoming. I want to rehash some things and retrace some steps so bear with me. Feels like we need a recap to reorient ourselves. I talked with my brother about all this after sending him the link to this thread and I'm sort of leaning toward this not being a giga at all. He is not a coaster nut like any of us, but he has worked in project management for a few years and sees many blueprints that look like our coaster prints we have on hand, so he knows a thing or two. And for the record, he has combed through this thread, and as a project management professional, all the inconsistencies we've found are bugging the hell out of him as well. The first thing that confuses me about all this is the lift hill height we first discussed when the blueprints dropped. We had some discussion on whether or not the scale at the bottom of the image is correct. At first I was willing to believe that the scale is incorrect, but that makes almost zero sense the more that I think about it. That would be a wild clerical error to make for plans like this. I'm inclined to believe that they would definitely not be wrong for a project of this scale – I cannot imagine the wrench that would throw in the gears for construction. BUT, just for a second, let's assume something is off about the scale. Fine. Based on the specs of the footers on the other pages, if you scale the lift hill blueprint appropriately, here's what you end up with: Since we know the backbone footer has the actual backbone itself at 40 degrees, this can't be anywhere close to 300 feet. Backbone image for reference: However, I did say that I can't bring myself to believe that the scale on the lift hill image is incorrect. I find it very difficult to believe that the official plans filed with the city would have an error like that. So, let's backtrack a bit. Let's accept for a second that the scale is correct, and that the scale of the footers is incorrect for the simplicity of the lift hill blueprint. If we're working on the assumption that the scale is correct, then most of you were right the first time around, and that means the lift hill run is even smaller on the horizontal plane - somewhere a little over 200 feet. At 40 degrees for the backbone, that's even smaller and it probably doesn't even breach 200 feet. I hesitate to bring the leaked layout into this due to its dubious source, but if you consider the length of the layout, this also suggests a ride that is decidedly not a giga. This gives us a couple reasons to point toward this ride not being a giga: If we accept the scale on the blueprints to be correct, this lift hill is NOT close to 300 feet. The layout length appears to be super short, as many of you have expressed concern about. This would be a super short giga. However, there are a couple darning things about all of this that seem to be a smoking gun for a giga. The first thing that immediately stuck out to me is the support structure. Particularly L16x set of supports, meaning L16D, and L16R, L16L: That pattern is quite literally, this: The supports I mentioned seem to directly match the backbone on the drop, and the two white supports directly behind it. The other supports on the entire blueprint seem to match closely too. No other coaster model (to my knowledge) other than a B&M Giga uses this support layout. This seems to be irrefutable evidence that what's on the drawings is a giga, if it weren't for the scale on the image. Another thing to point out, is that the leaked layout has zero inversions on it. Layouts don't show track banking, but you'd definitely know where an inversion was. You'd see a slight wobble where a heartline roll would be, a vague immelmann shape, a sharp Z shape that a loop makes when viewed from above, etc. That also points toward a giga, since it rules out a wing or a dive coaster. So, to recap We have a couple reasons to believe this is a giga: The support pattern on the blueprints is strikingly similar to that of Fury and Leviathan. The layout has no inversions. Given the bases I've covered here, this brings up a question in my mind that has been asked here a few times. What the hell is this thing??? Could we be looking at a brand new ride type we've never seen from B&M? I mean, we're due for one right? When was the last time we saw a new model from B&M? The first US dive machine was SheiKra in 2005, and the first US wing coaster was Wild Eagle in 2012. Are we due for a new model? Assuming we're accepting that the layout is real, this would explain a lot of the pieces we can't seem to fit together. If we accept that the layout is a fake (somehow) then this kinda points toward a dive machine or a wing, and they're using the giga support structure on a dive machine for the first time. Basically, I'm not sure I can believe that the blueprints we got are wrong in any respect, and that means no giga. The only way out of this is if these are decoy blueprints, which seems... super unlikely to me, unless KI has mounted an unprecedented disinformation campaign to hide whatever gigantic project they're working on. I don't even know if you can submit bogus blueprints to the city. I'd guess not. I do find it somewhat odd that a member on this forum (I can't remember who) had seen the prints from a friend and hadn't posted them, and I am interested to know who this friend was and how they stumbled upon the blueprints and/or knew to go request them from the city. It does feel weird to me. I'll take this chance to reuse this gif: As an aside, I wonder what the person who leaked the blueprints is thinking as they follow this thread. They are either laughing hysterically at us, or sweating profusely. Ok, over and out, gonna take my tinfoil hat off for a bit and let you guys hash this one out. EDIT: I forgot about the person who literally input coordinates into solidworks from the blueprints, it's a giga, ignore my conspiracy theories.
  3. It’s entirely possible that once we see an animation we all sober up and realize we were worked up for nothing. I’ll take this chance to emphasize again how boring layouts look on paper. For anyone who is curious, Google the Diamondback layout and you’ll see what I mean. That said, the current layout we saw only makes me think “oh no... no...” The footprint barely looks larger than The Racer from what I’ve seen. It’s understandable to be kinda troubled by that
  4. It also doesn’t help that KI feels like the perfect candidate for one of the most epic gigas ever, in both landscape/visitorship. Just feels like it makes way too much sense to build a huge giga that voyages deep into the woods. Difficult to reconcile the fact that Cedar Fair’s values might not align with that.
  5. The layout has to use more of that empty Firehawk space than what we saw in the leak, right guys? Right? ...guys?
  6. Yeah that got out of hand once people ripped it from YouTube and started sharing it on Facebook/YouTube without the unofficial concept disclaimer
  7. I was looking at the Mystic Timbers decoding thread last night, and that bad boy was several hundred pages long when all was said and done. What happens is that, especially at night, when there are a bunch of members hanging out and reading, the thread becomes more of a chat room than anything just because people are throwing so many ideas around. I think what we need is a summary “what we know so far” post that is stickied to the top of every page of this thread that contains the documents we have and the popular high level speculation ideas that keep cropping up. I’d be happy to write it up and keep it updated as this progresses but I don’t know if sticky functionality exists on this site.
  8. Side note, if they do end up going with Orion, I think music like this would be sick. It would be the perfect track for a celestial giga. Droning backbeat, swirling synths. Would love to hang out in the station at night listening to this with a big blue LED light strip ablaze on the chain lift as trains slink out of the station and clack-clack-clack up the hill. If you've ever been on Millennium Force's platform at night, it would be like that but more mysterious. Bonus points if the trains are speckled all over with stars, or the Orion constellation/nebula is emblazoned on the hood of the train. I'm ready for a mystical space-journey, man.
  9. Fantastic post. Edited quote content for length. I'd double heart this if I could. You've nailed how I feel about it basically. Upon first seeing the layout it was a mixture of "What? That... can't be all there is..." and sadness. I understand that layouts are boring to look at, but it just looks so astoundingly short, which is exactly why I have settled on three options: There is something we are not seeing that the layout is not revealing. Wild airtime hills, a larger first drop than appears, B&M's first actual wave turn, etc. Something. The layout is incomplete, or it's an earlier draft that is not final and went to the chopping block. It's not a real layout. The insane detail on the layout map makes this one hard to believe, however. I just have a very very hard time believing that the 5th North American giga coaster is going to be anything other than fantastic, in some respect. Farting out a "bleh" giga coaster seems like a ridiculously tone-deaf thing for Cedar Fair to do after nearly a decade of people asking when it's coming, and I would be stunned if that's their intention. I've had friends who aren't enthusiasts asking me for years when I think KI will get "one of them huge Cedar Point rides" because even they feel KI could do it justice. So it's not just enthusiasts clamoring for something spectacular. The thing about a giga is that once you commit to it, it is highly unlikely that you'll ever get something bigger or better. A giga is a rare chance for a park to reach for the stars (heh) and deliver a wild experience, and it would take a lot of convincing for me to believe KI is okay with wasting that chance. I'm of the opinion that Cedar Fair is aware of the risk of people saying "We waited a decade for this?" and they don't intend on that being the reaction. But hey, maybe I'm making a mistake letting my hopes return to an optimistic baseline. Only time will tell.
  10. After giving it another look, I doubt it's vertical. My reason for this is that the backbone of the drop meets up with the top of the smallest white support. For the drop to be vertical in our drawings, the top of where L16R and L16L meet would have to be directly over L16D. Actually, now that I think about it, if we know the proper scale, basic trig could tell you the angle that the backbone forms by meeting up with the top of L16D. Has anyone done this or are we missing a piece of info/dimension we'd need to know the angle? Idk I'm tired.
  11. Yes, I noticed this earlier today. They are slightly less faint on my copy but yeah, they're there for sure. I would agree it looks like some kind of track outline.
  12. I missed this post but yeah I was just looking at the prints wondering this too. L16D is for sure the drop backbone.
  13. This would be a weird move in my mind too. Short changing a new ride just so a 20 year old roller coaster can keep its state-specific crown just seems like a bizarre choice.
  14. Yo if we are looking at a 300-320' coaster with a drop shaped like Steel Vengeance, I will poop
  15. Support structure just looked exactly like Fury/Leviathan. That's why I thought it was giga anyway.
  16. Mods have probably been having a super rough time moderating this thread as is. I'd give them some slack.
  17. As far as I can tell, that's the color the Hershey Hyper is supposed to be so I'm not thinking it could possibly be ours.
  18. Depends on your force distribution for your entire superstructure. The entire support structure is basically one big triangle, so as long as it's balanced appropriately, it'll work out. Hard to know without seeing the analysis the engineers did, which probably involved semi-complex FEA and stuff like that. I don't remember much of my engineering curriculum, but basically, it's a bunch of statics problem solving. What I am saying is "it's fine" It's trigonometry. Google complimentary angles. What you're saying is a very common way that people get confused
  19. Isn't August basically Coaster Christmas in terms of announcements?
  20. Putting all my chips on "the clearing looks the same"
  21. Impossible. Perhaps the archives are incomplete?
  22. We will literally never know the answer to any of this until an announcement happens, or additional land clearing happens.
  23. That looks like the outside queue that's under the awning or whatever it is. Am I looking at that right? Or is that the existing cattle zig-zags for where Firehawk was? EDIT: Just the old Firehawk queue. Now that I'm looking at it, it looks like the old FH queue goes into the FoF queue in the blueprints. What the?
  24. @ElonMusk wanna fund something crazy???
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