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New for 2011 Windseeker!

Sergeant Pepper

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I doubt they'll make it any taller than 301 feet. When they come out with the press release, and even have a conference/speech about it, I doubt they'll change it all.

New for 2012: New kid's coaster in Planet Snoopy!

April 17, 2012: "Whoa Dad! Look at that huge 300 foot Intamin!"


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So take this for what its worth but my friend whom is a carpenter at Kings Island, which will be working on the construction for WS said that they want the ride to be 400 ft, they gave the number 301 as that being that high or higher nutting below, they are trying and still debating on weather to continue with making it 400 or keeping as 300!!! Jus sayin

Oh yeah, that sounds totally logical. dry.gif In the EXTREMELY slim chance that what you are saying is true, please let me introduce you to a new topic that you may have missed: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=22638&view=findpost&p=401758

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So take this for what its worth but my friend whom is a carpenter at Kings Island, which will be working on the construction for WS said that they want the ride to be 400 ft, they gave the number 301 as that being that high or higher nutting below, they are trying and still debating on weather to continue with making it 400 or keeping as 300!!! Jus sayin

Any post that cites a KI source for a fact must do so by NAME.

It's in the TOS:

...ny information posted claiming to be from an inside source or claiming to be confirmed, when not being released from Kings Island or Cedar Fair, must be posted along with the name of the source. Failure to do so is a violation of an individual user's terms of service....


So, to comply with the TOS, WHO is this carpenter? The park, doubtless, will want to speak to him or her...

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The very sentence before the one I quoted from the TOS:

Posting information that is not public record and could be damaging to the reputation, business and/or day to day operation of Kings Island or its affiliates is a violation of the terms of service.

Know also the park could and probably would file a civil action against you in a court of law should it consider itself damaged. The site would also release your IP information, etc., to Cedar Fair, also in the TOS.

The administrators reserve the right to disclose posters' information in compliance with a valid court order, legal obligation, or legitimate request by one seeking to protect human life, safety, property rights or professional reputation.

You either are a morally trustable person or you ain't. It's really up to you.

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Guest PizzaBaby027

The very sentence before the one I quoted from the TOS:

Posting information that is not public record and could be damaging to the reputation, business and/or day to day operation of Kings Island or its affiliates is a violation of the terms of service.

Know also the park could and probably would file a civil action against you in a court of law should it consider itself damaged. The site would also release your IP information, etc., to Cedar Fair, also in the TOS.

You either are a morally trustable person or you ain't. It's really up to you.

So posting things that are true will damage the reputation of the park, well maybe if the park did things the proper way then if certain things were released then it wouldn't damage there reputation. I have many many many stories to tell about KI that could ruin there reputation as being the "Fun And Only", oh only if you knew how they treated the employees I bet your jaws would drop, but heres the thing I love the park too much to do such a thing also when I was hired I was signed to secrecy and even though I quit I still am signed to that secrecy, integrity declares that rule though I do not work for them any more, its the proper way to treat such situations. Just know you might want to hold back on backing up the park, if you knew what I did that wouldn't be to wise. "Never be loyal to something that is not loyal back"

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Guest rcfreak339


I think YOU need to shut up and stop wasting forum space.

Posting the word "HA!" over again gets on my nerves, stop now or a mod WILL ban you. Hopefully thats coming soon.

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He's edited out his original posts. They did not say "Ha."

You will see some of them have been quoted, in their original form, by others, including this writer.

See also:


Terp, good at Concentration...Classic or otherwise (what WAS behind 5 and where was the match? And, oh how I miss the Hammond organ on the original theme song)...

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So posting things that are true will damage the reputation of the park, well maybe if the park did things the proper way then if certain things were released then it wouldn't damage there reputation.

What seems to be the "proper way" to you may not necessarily be what the park considers to be the proper way. I'm sorry, but a former blue ice cream/pizza slinger is nowhere close to understanding the full complexities of running a park. I worked at the park in a multitude of different positions over the course of 18 seasons, and I'm nowhere close to understanding the full complexities of running a park either. The park has reasons for disclosing what it does and for withholding what it does. Every single company does the same. There is no such thing as full disclosure. Such is life. Deal with it.

I have many many many stories to tell about KI that could ruin there reputation as being the "Fun And Only", oh only if you knew how they treated the employees I bet your jaws would drop, but heres the thing I love the park too much to do such a thing also when I was hired I was signed to secrecy and even though I quit I still am signed to that secrecy, integrity declares that rule though I do not work for them any more, its the proper way to treat such situations. Just know you might want to hold back on backing up the park, if you knew what I did that wouldn't be to wise. "Never be loyal to something that is not loyal back"

While I admittedly know nothing about the situation regarding your previous park employment, from working at the park for so long I have a pretty good understanding of how the park treats it's employees overall, and guess what... it's pretty positive IMO! Sure, there could be policies you may not agree with, or there may be events that occur that could cause you to have a bad experience or two, but let me tell you something about this great big world we live in. The same thing happens everywhere. I've had bad experiences in every job I've ever had, but the positive events far outweigh the negative ones, especially at Kings Island. Kings Island is in the business of providing fun to it's visitors, and any associate that doesn't want to help their employer, whether that employer be KI, White Castle or Procter & Gamble, meet it's goals should probably seek employment elsewhere.

And I'm confused... You love the park too much to ruin their reputation, but then you say "Never be loyal to something that is not loyal back." That's a little contradictory. If you feel the park was that disloyal to you, why don't you follow your own advice and tell us what happened. After all, you're the one that believes in full disclosure if something is "true". Maybe that way you can finally be banned from posting some of the nonsense that you do.

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PizzaBaby and his claims of "oh only if you knew how they treated the employees I bet your jaws would drop" is laughable - yet another member here who pretends to have been a worker at the park (maybe even so high as an operator on Diamondback, which is, of course, only for the best employees!) and thus, knows a lot of crap that no one else does... Little does he or she realize that some, maybe even many of the posters on this board have worked, or do work for Kings Island, Paramount's Kings Island, or Cedar Fair's Kings Island.

Signed to secrecy? Generally, simple, day-to-day employees are not secretly told things like Drop Zone being upside down and numerous other conspiracy theories you've passed around here. Those who would know that sort of information would also know far, far better than to post it on a Kings Island fan-site, even after their time with the park is over. Basically, what I've learned in my short time here is that those who know do not talk; those who talk, usually do not know. Even those here who are employed by the park to work at this year's Haunt event have been spectacularly mum about that which hasn't been officially announced by the park - they may be hired to work in a new house or scare zone, and be absolutely bursting at the seams to share that information here. But they don't.

And to add to that, anyone who is, or was a "higher-up" at Kings Island and privy to the "secrets" of the park probably would not be named "Pizza Baby" or use run-on sentences, incorrect grammar and spelling, etc.

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Oh, but he DID work at the park, as XGatorHead 8904 so aptly put it...he's a "former blue ice cream/pizza slinger."


And, rather ironically, during his term of employment with the park, he was avidly enthusiastic, including on these boards; so much so that some (including me) warned him that he might at some point become jaded. A prediction that has more than come to pass. There is no bitterness like that found by those who have been disappointed by what they see in a place they at one time revered, but see as failing to live up to their unrealistically high expectations.

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I find it rather ironic his posts about this type of thing appear in a topic called "WindSeeker."

Terpy, who sometimes just can't help himself. . .

Post of the day award goes to Terpy, and we're only an hour and 44 minutes into the day!

Little does he or she realize that some, maybe even many of the posters on this board have worked, or do work for Kings Island, Paramount's Kings Island, or Cedar Fair's Kings Island.

Kings Island? Check. Paramount's Kings Island? Check. Cedar Fair's Kings Island? Check again.

Even those here who are employed by the park to work at this year's Haunt event have been spectacularly mum about that which hasn't been officially announced by the park - they may be hired to work in a new house or scare zone, and be absolutely bursting at the seams to share that information here. But they don't.

I was in that exact situation last year. It was extremely difficult to wait until they finally announced Slaughterhouse, but wait I did. And I recently realized I probably shouldn't publicly disclose exactly where I'll be this year either. It's a returning attraction, but it hasn't officially been announced as returning or not returning. It's pretty obvious it's returning if you've been to the park or seen pictures of Haunt construction though.

There is no bitterness like that found by those who have been disappointed by what they see in a place they at one time revered, but see as failing to live up to their unrealistically high expectations.

Hear, hear! Those that know me well know how I was disappointed by a former employer, but that opened up new opportunities and experiences that I otherwise would not have had. Sure, I really miss doing what I did for that employer, but things changed for the better in other aspects of life. Life has a funny way of balancing itself out and reorganizing your priorities.


...how about that WindSeeker? I hear it's gonna be 301 feet tall! Can't WAIT to ride it next year!

Me either! Is it April 2011 yet?

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