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SmartCat7162 last won the day on March 19 2024

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  1. The top right of this picture could probably be sold and then also some of the forest as well. Picture from the giga speculation thread I don't know to to quote from one thread to another.
  2. Do people think they will sell some of the land that is undeveloped at the park?
  3. I feel like they may divest from some of the parks and quiet literally strip it down to bear bones (relocating rides, moving out excess inventory, selling park vehicles) and sell the land. However for parks in the middle of nowhere I think it is more likely the whole park is sold because the land won't be that valuable. If a park is not profitable I do not see why anyone would want to purchase it unless they think it is possible to turn it around. However, I don't think any company has the free capital right now to make that major investment and make a park profitable while at the same time building new rides.
  4. I forget do they typically announce if they are doing fireworks every night during regular operation at this time as well?
  5. Cornerstone, which is the employee cafeteria, is probably one of the coolest things I experienced as an employee. One of the most memorable things I did was ride on a parade float during Carnivale. There aren’t that many "cool" backstage areas—most of them just look like office buildings. Some of the storage areas are interesting but also kind of creepy. For employees who have been there a while, you can get your license and are allowed to drive in the park on the back roads. That was probably one of my favorite things to do. It was amazing to be able to drive a car under The Beast, Diamondback, Orion, and Banshee. I was a super privileged line cook and probably got away with more than any other cook. I don’t know of many cooks who were able to drive in the park—usually, that’s reserved for warehouse workers, supervisors, and team leads.
  6. I have no clue, but with the addition of a windshield I would think no, but I know absolutely nothing about it to be honest. (Here is a picture of the train with the windshield.) I think the windshield will have a very different experience since you will not get that wind in your face so speed I feel will be very different.
  7. Now I can say I have ridden every current ride in the park that is not a kiddy ride. Plus slingshot.
  8. Working in sweet spot I heard horror stories of dollar days.
  9. I think it is more based off of what Coke wanted. I think Coke probably gives them money to spend on building a new drink stand.
  10. We have such a beautiful park and are so lucky to have people that are passionated about the park in high ranking positions.
  11. Are the bathrooms near WindSeeker a full blown bathroom. I don’t think I’ve ever used it once. I didn’t even know it existed.
  12. I will be interested too see how they do staffing there. I know the cost of living there must be astronomical so it will be hard to have "cheap labor"
  13. Would a maverickesque ride be a good replacement for Kingda Ka. Just want to hear what other people think.
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