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KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. Aahh! Alien Encounter (or as I like to call it: Poop Your Pants: The Ride). I remember all the signage out front, saying that it was far too intense for small children, yet parents would still bring the kiddies in (and then be angry that it was too scary, claiming they weren't warned). I was in high school when I went to Disney, and it was just about too intense for me, let alone the poor elementary-aged children I saw in the line.
  2. Right above that, in the description, it says that 48" is the minimum to ride. They didn't proofread before throwing the page up. "Riders must be at least 48 inches tall to ride and will be secured with individual over-the-head lap bars with interlocking seat belts."
  3. is a pretty pretty princess.

  4. I have to agree with the Terpinator. It's one you really should ride, because no matter what anyone else tells you, your experience will be different. Personally, I can't stand it (I generally dislike going upside down), but I'm glad I gave it a couple of shots before I passed final judgment on it. The regret after a ride you didn't enjoy is small compared to the regret of never trying a ride at your home park that you may end up loving, especially since you never know when its plug will be pulled. Edited to complete a sentence that mysteriously wasn't completed (edit in italics).
  5. Okay, but that still doesn't change the fact that they were both shut down again around 9 PM. I don't see why you want to argue the point - you've already stated that you were send home early, but were later "trucking around Rivertown" - you weren't sitting in front of either ride for the entire evening, so surely it's possible that they were shut down again without you knowing? Or do the ride computers send you texts detailing their operation? "LOL I'M DOWN AGAIN TTYL" Purplehaze, I think I love you, and you make an excellent point. If I had taken, say, my mother, she would have had a terrible time - she hasn't been on a ride at KI since the removal of Winnie Witch's Cauldrons, and only goes for the shows (not so much the food anymore). It absolutely would have been a wasted admission, and considering how good she is at holding grudges and telling everyone about them, they would have lost not only her future business, but probably the business of the gang of old ladies she hangs out with, as well. I don't want to argue, but I also don't want you stating false "facts". First wrong fact. I was sent home SATURDAY. Last night was SUNDAY. I was probably in the park still at the time you went to bed. Second wrong fact. When trucking in an area you get to go through that area and clean take care of trash cans. So by doing this I get a chance to see what happening with the rides. When I went by WWC before fireworks went off, it looked open. You make it seem you were just sitting there watching rides open and close all night. Edit: Coaster Junky beat me to it on most of this Okay, so it came back up before 10. It was still down around 9, as was RFYL. Obviously WWC came back up - again, I point to my original post in the thread. I was wrong about exactly when it came back up, I thought it was closer to AFTER the fireworks, but again, that doesn't mean that it wasn't down. I also saw RFYL running when I was back that way around 10:15 or so.
  6. It still stands - "by 6:30" doesn't equal "until midnight." Considering that my original post in this thread stated that I was there from 8 PM - 11 PM, it would stand to reason that I saw the rides down sometime within that three hour window. Sneaking in an edit (with a giant EDIT right next to my additional comment) doesn't really negate the fact that the observation happened between those hours, all three of which were after 6:30 PM. The sent home early thing is totally my bad - three day weekends mess me up (what do you mean, today's Monday? Lies. It's Sunday until I go back to work).
  7. Okay, but that still doesn't change the fact that they were both shut down again around 9 PM. I don't see why you want to argue the point - you've already stated that you were send home early, but were later "trucking around Rivertown" - you weren't sitting in front of either ride for the entire evening, so surely it's possible that they were shut down again without you knowing? Or do the ride computers send you texts detailing their operation? "LOL I'M DOWN AGAIN TTYL" Purplehaze, I think I love you, and you make an excellent point. If I had taken, say, my mother, she would have had a terrible time - she hasn't been on a ride at KI since the removal of Winnie Witch's Cauldrons, and only goes for the shows (not so much the food anymore). It absolutely would have been a wasted admission, and considering how good she is at holding grudges and telling everyone about them, they would have lost not only her future business, but probably the business of the gang of old ladies she hangs out with, as well.
  8. Oh, okay, I must have imagined the two employees stationed outside of WWC, turning people away. That would also explain how I hallucinated RFYL with no water coming down the flume and a log stopped at the top. EDIT: To be fair, I didn't notice that you said "by 6:30" - I saw them down around 9. My comment still stands, though - "by 6:30" doesn't quite equal "all the way until midnight."
  9. I'm surprised they didn't at least give return tickets (although, maybe I shouldn't be surprised, considering...) to guests requesting refunds. My daughter and I were there from about 8 PM - 11 PM, and she even asked if the people who didn't have passes would get their money back. Going from past experience, I told her that they would at least get return tickets - CF really screwed the pooch with this one. I-Street never came back up, as far as we saw, and the fireworks were without musical accompaniment (which had the surprising effect of making a ten-year-old who loves fireworks incredibly bored). It seemed like everything with water or AC (with the exception of FoF) was down, although WWC did come back up later (like after fireworks later) in the evening.
  10. "Cedar Fair's best loved theme parks are "Coasting For Kids" on July 29, 2010. Participants can register to ride The Racer marathon or participate i..." I couldn't get it to show me the rest of the text, but yeah, looks like it's gonna be Racer.
  11. You shouldn't feel badly about voicing your opinion! Kings Island *has* lost a lot of what makes it magic, and most of us view it with our nostalgia goggles firmly attached. During the past decade, Kings Island has gone downhill. From where I stand, some of the blame rests on Paramount's shoulders (although I feel that the decline during the later Paramount years was due to lack of budget and interest allotted by the parent company), but more of the blame rests on Cedar Fair's. Before I get jumped for being on the "Cedar Fail" bandwagon, I feel that more of the blame rests on their shoulders because the decline of the park during their years (so far) seems to come more from a lack of interest in the park (other than squashing competition), combined with perhaps a not-so-subtle agenda to drive people to Cedar Point instead. Kings Island has been the jewel in the crown of every company that has owned it, until now. Other parks (that aren't in the same state as CF's prize possession) are going to get priority over KI every day of the week. We will get the bare minimum (look for less rides and more area/landscaping changes in the future - I firmly believe Diamondback is the exception, not the rule) that will keep people in the park. It's sad, really, since CP and KI are like apples and oranges, but CF will never, ever see it that way. A perfect example of this is the carousel. Beyond the irritation of the organ, the state of the horses is just reprehensible. I saw a chip in the paint of one of the horses (chip is putting it mildly) this year that was bigger than my hand, and the vast majority of the inside horses looked like they hadn't been restored since KI was still PKI. I understand that it's not the most crowded ride in the park, but I would be willing to bet it's the most revered, and it certainly has the most interesting history, and they can't even be bothered to show it the tiniest bit of love. Then again, this could all just be my tinfoil hat speaking...
  12. I actually had a modem fry during a storm! I didn't think to unplug it from the phone line when I disconnected the power to my desktop. (p.s. I don't currently have dial-up - this happened in 1996)
  13. The people crying at 5@5 over the park closing early last Friday are killing me. You know they're the same people who would be first in line to scream "Why didn't they shut down the ride, since the weather was so bad?" if an accident occurred due to a ride being operated under those conditions. There's a huge difference between some rain and the torrential downpour (lightning isn't the only weather condition a ride op has to worry about, after all) we had on Friday. I wonder if they also throw fits because the park isn't open during the winter..."What do you mean, metal contracts when it's cold?" (not super relevant anymore, but I had to get it off my chest)
  14. It shouldn't be too bad. I don't know of any local schools that are already finished for the year, and I think they've gotten all the Math & Science days out of the way. You should be able to get around pretty quickly and easily during the morning (after school lets out for the day, though, all bets are off).
  15. The part that kills me is that it would be so easy to remove/clean/paint over. It's all fairly light in color, and it's not overly noticeable unless you're, say, a single rider because your family consists of chickens who wouldn't ride, and are looking around at the themeing instead of chatting with people. One of the bits has been there long enough for someone to go through a breakup (name I can't remember loves someone whose name has been covered) - it's on the top of the doorway (for lack of a better description) as you enter the saucer. On a related note, I'm waiting for the dust bunnies on the props surrounding the saucer to rise up and take over the park. I, for one, welcome our new dust bunny overlords.
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