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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/27/2011 in all areas

  1. New for 2012! Restrooms in the X-base!
    2 points
  2. Here's a list of things you should be doing if you decide to become a monster. If you: aren't sore or aching in pain by the end of the night haven't made someone cry from scaring them that bad haven't had someone throw a beverage on you haven't made someone think you are having convulsions/seizures haven't sweated off your makeup halfway through the night haven't dry heaved from pushing yourself past your limits ...then YOU AREN'T DOING YOUR JOB RIGHT. Being a monster in a haunted house requires inhuman levels of blood, sweat, and tears that you won't see in a lot of other jobs at the park. It's as close to being an actor in an Oscar-winning drama as you can get, meaning you have to make your audience believe you are a force to be reckoned with. It's not simply popping out of a closet and going BOO, but becoming something people will genuinely fear and be afraid of. Also, do not, I repeat, DO NOT be afraid to act crazy. Sanity is all but forbidden at the Haunt. The crazier the better. Don't be shy or timid (unless a role specifically calls for that or you know how to make shy and timid scary); be loud and aggressive. Get up close and personal with them. You can get up to an inch away from their face and, without touching them, scare them silly as their personal bubble pops. They've entered your territory, and that means it's time to defend it. One last thing, this is a team effort. It is a lot harder if a single person tries to scare a large group, although in some cases, you may be all by yourself and have to go rogue. But if the opportunity comes or you have other monsters to work with, by all means, WORK WITH THEM. Tag-teaming is a killer way to get people into the fetal position when they realize they are surrounded. Also, ping-ponging works fantastically with other monsters; scare a person and lead them to the next monster, they scare them and lead them to the next one and so on. You (should) have the ability to work with veteran monsters, some of them are back for Round 2, others are almost living legends they've been here so long. Don't be afraid to talk to them to get tips, they are a gold mine of information and they will go out of their way to help become one of the greats. After all, the Haunt crew is like family. One big dysfunctional family. Hope this works out for ya, - The RingMaster.
    2 points
  3. That feeling that KI used to have back when it was Paramount what little was left is gone. There is nothing but a empty yet full of greed feeling now.
    1 point
  4. Policies and prices are subject to change at any time, but particularly so between seasons and even more so this off-seaon. Come opening day at the FUN parks next year, the Cedar Point parking lot denizen will no longer be Chairman, and we may find a very different set of parks than last we met.
    1 point
  5. Go to maps.google.com, find Kings Island. The property lines are "very roughly" the powerlines to the south, Kings High School to the north, the river to the east and Kings Island Dr to the West. Anyone know how often Google Maps updates? Its an old picture.
    1 point
  6. nightmare alley sounds like it should be where Backlot Stunt Coaster is.. because wouldnt a backlot be off of an alley?
    1 point
  7. I thought Tanna was going to point out Lizard Wizard too.
    1 point
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