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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/2011 in all areas

  1. I think when people say they "miss Paramount," what they truly mean is that they miss when the rides' names still contained film titles, but not much more. Just from what I've seen here, it appears that a lot of the Paramount-lovers (myself included) were young during their era in the park. As such, I recall The Italian Job being far, far grander than Back Lot Stunt Coaster. Was it? Probably not. But it's what I knew; it's what made me fall in love with Kings Island; and to me, Paramount's Kings Island will always be the "original" Kings Island (others who were here before Paramount will always imagine Taft's Kings Island as the "original," and more rightly so). Another thing that I try to remember is that, despite our rose-colored, hindsight glasses, Paramount was arguably worse at special effects maintenance than Cedar Fair. Sure they extended themselves to begin with, but had very little interest in upkeep. Cedar Fair scaled Paramount's exorbitant effects on each ride to a smaller, more realistic spectacle much more appropriate for a seasonal park, and actually does work to keep it functioning. The unfortunate part of that is that most of the effects were already dead when Cedar Fair took over, but because they changed the name, many (myself included) naturally tend to associate the dead effects with their arrival. In reality, the were dead before they came at all. All in all, I agree that the park felt grander and more "epic" and dramatic during Paramount's reign, and I certainly feel that the details are sorely missed (The Paramount Story, the more obscure effects that the rides had in their hey day, etc) but I also recognize that more than likely, Backlot Stunt Coaster might be in worse shape than it is now if it still carried the Italian Job name, and it would be a miracle if Tomb Raider: The Ride was even still standing. Paramount - if they were smart - would've also closed Son of Beast, and eventually even the best of their themed attractions would do as they always had: crumbled to nothing. Winterfest was a last-ditch ploy to sell the park as a year-round destination and not a heartfelt attempt to honor the park's history. Terpy often says that he doesn't know if the park could've lasted much longer under CBS' leadership. What does that tell you? Cedar Fair runs the park well, and with the lone exception of special effects maintenance and detail-oriented presentation, I have very few qualms with their ownership of the park. It just so happens that I am a detail-oriented kind of guy, so my initial reaction (like the OP's) was that Cedar Fair sucks because it has The Crypt, Backlot, Flight Deck, etc. where Paramount's Kings Island had TOMB RAIDER, The Italian Job, and Top Gun.
    1 point
  2. How is it possible that Camp Snoopy is flooded with young children hugging and running and laughing and dancing with the Peanuts' characters every day? The thing is, Snoopy and Charlie Brown are timeless. Spongebob is already old news.
    1 point
  3. I have always felt that every owner of Kings Island truly cared/cares about the park and in looking back I can point out flaws and appreciable enhancements. But the thing I believe the most is that the current owner of Kings Island at any given time is doing a great job keeping guests happy.
    1 point
  4. It's 100% not a dino egg. The coaster is confirmed to be from B&M and has long been rumored to be a wingrider with an bird/eagle theme.
    1 point
  5. Any of the Friday nights are the best times to go. The lines are real short on the rides and not real long for the haunts. Last year, every Saturday night was a zoo. You couldnt hardly move on some of those nights. I suggest Friday nights if you want to do Haunts. Also, Sundays have light crowds. Make sure to check out the hayride if you go on Sunday, you get to go to areas of the park, you don't get to go to otherwise.
    1 point
  6. I was hearing things yesterday in WindSeeker. It made me feel like I was a Flying Dragon! Oh, it was just that awesome tune, Test Drive! -Raptorguy, who just had to!
    1 point
  7. If there is going to be an August anouncement, we still have until Wednesday
    1 point
  8. Dr Humor, some good points and I hope to never put HW in the same league as CF. Just as I would never want any charming local restaurant in the same league as Applebees or Olive Garden. But you lost me putting The Beast over any of HW's woodies. Sorry folks, beast isn't doin it for me unless it's dark... I love both parks but haven't even bothered taking my fam to CP. 2 trips to HW and 3 to KI and all my daughter ever talks about is HW and talks about a lot of their rides and parts of the water park
    1 point
  9. TheLip2: Welcome to KIC. Please know there is a long tradition here of answering a question like yours that can be answered with a simple yes with yes. Several possible reasons: The answerer may know the answer but not be at liberty to share it. The park may not want the answer out yet, or at all to the general public (some would say that applies here, as the special price at the picnic is not available to the public and could generate bad publicity, ill will, etc., among those not eligible--that argument is diluted since last year a mod here noted how cheaply he got his KI Platinum Pass and about the same time that he had attended P&G day.... Anywho, welcome. And with a name like TheLip2, expect a little ribbing/fun from time to time.
    1 point
  10. To answer your first question..... Yes Welcome to KIC Well, I guess I am stupid for assuming that IF a member knew that they would actually tell me. I also know how to spell P&G, but it's late and I made a mistake. (hell . . . I even own stock) I thought someone could tell me about the past and maybe someone would know about the current year AND be willing to share that information here.
    1 point
  11. Remember the teasers for the Dinosaurs.... "Turn back the clock on thrill".... Who knew that meant turning back the clock to things that thrilled you when you were three years old!
    1 point
  12. Here's a list of things you should be doing if you decide to become a monster. If you: aren't sore or aching in pain by the end of the night haven't made someone cry from scaring them that bad haven't had someone throw a beverage on you haven't made someone think you are having convulsions/seizures haven't sweated off your makeup halfway through the night haven't dry heaved from pushing yourself past your limits ...then YOU AREN'T DOING YOUR JOB RIGHT. Being a monster in a haunted house requires inhuman levels of blood, sweat, and tears that you won't see in a lot of other jobs at the park. It's as close to being an actor in an Oscar-winning drama as you can get, meaning you have to make your audience believe you are a force to be reckoned with. It's not simply popping out of a closet and going BOO, but becoming something people will genuinely fear and be afraid of. Also, do not, I repeat, DO NOT be afraid to act crazy. Sanity is all but forbidden at the Haunt. The crazier the better. Don't be shy or timid (unless a role specifically calls for that or you know how to make shy and timid scary); be loud and aggressive. Get up close and personal with them. You can get up to an inch away from their face and, without touching them, scare them silly as their personal bubble pops. They've entered your territory, and that means it's time to defend it. One last thing, this is a team effort. It is a lot harder if a single person tries to scare a large group, although in some cases, you may be all by yourself and have to go rogue. But if the opportunity comes or you have other monsters to work with, by all means, WORK WITH THEM. Tag-teaming is a killer way to get people into the fetal position when they realize they are surrounded. Also, ping-ponging works fantastically with other monsters; scare a person and lead them to the next monster, they scare them and lead them to the next one and so on. You (should) have the ability to work with veteran monsters, some of them are back for Round 2, others are almost living legends they've been here so long. Don't be afraid to talk to them to get tips, they are a gold mine of information and they will go out of their way to help become one of the greats. After all, the Haunt crew is like family. One big dysfunctional family. Hope this works out for ya, - The RingMaster.
    1 point
  13. I must respectfully disagree. I would say that our visit to Holiday World this year cost us about $200 less than a comparable visit to KI or CP would cost a family of 4 without passes. (Unless that family did Fast Lane and the Dinosaurs, which would bring the difference to $428).
    1 point
  14. And Kings Island underprices at admissions for the quality of experience offered, then UPcharges for food, games, parking, added attractions and even FastLane. Two very different ways of doing business. Two very different target markets. Two very different owners. Right? Wrong? No, just very different.
    1 point
  15. Diamondback, Copperhead or Anaconda.
    1 point
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