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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2011 in all areas

  1. Since they built the Toyota plant very nearby, things are well. Some of the locals vacation in Versailles, others in Glasgow...
    2 points
  2. The $70 price point is all the appreciation I need.
    2 points
  3. Sounds Like an Off Duty Dippin Dots Guy to me.
    2 points
  4. So I had the good fortune to be able to attend KI recently... my first and only visit to the park this year. I enjoyed WindSeeker, but did find it a bit "disorienting" at night. It's a fun install. Now on to the subject of this thread. I pride myself on all things factual... especially Kings Island. And I can't help but be irritated when I hear people "embellishing" or "fibbing" about things only to make themselves seem "experts" on a subject. Case in point... While on WindSeeker, as we were waiting for the ride to lower to the ground, a few seats ahead of me was what I will term a "Kings Island fibbing know-it-all." I listened as he loudly explained to his friends that WindSeeker was originally going to raise to the top, twirl, then the ride carriage would drop several feet, raise again then drop all the way. (As best I could understand him to say.) He said "All the parks that got one were supposed to do this, but they couldn't get it to work so it just raises and lowers." Now maybe I missed something, and that was the original intent (although I find it as far fetched as just about any rumor I've ever heard.) But for some odd reason, I have had a hard time letting it go. There's no way I would have corrected him, but I sure wanted to! Does this ever happen to you? Grrrrrrr....
    1 point
  5. No, when WindSeeker was announced, the website compared its height to that of Drop Tower, which does indeed drop. Kings Island never said or suggested that WindSeeker would drop. People only think that because they failed at reading thoroughly and believed others who also failed at reading thoroughly. Edit - coaster_junky pretty much beat me to it, but same deal.
    1 point
  6. For a supreme collection of such know-it-all folks, read the park's Facebook page. I posted once on their Facebook, the day before the announcement of Soak City, because one particular fellow was absolutely POSITIVE we were getting a re-made Son of Beast and a new, 300 foot coaster. I explained that it was very unlikely if not impossible since no construction was visible, and he said, something to the extent of 'Screw you. You offended me. So seriously, screw you.' I'm not kidding. I haven't posted since. One of many reasons I wonder why Kings Island doesn't make their wall private like all Six Flags parks have. As it is, the park's Facebook page posts nothing but complainers and people who answer others questions incorrectly. It's a mess.
    1 point
  7. My Personal Vote: A tricked-out, highly themed water coaster could be very awesome...imagine, the ride begins with a themed lift similar to Adventure Express, and then drops into the actual "slide" part of the ride. As you zoom around twists and turns, fake volcanoes erupt, shooting water into the air...wait a second, forget it, this is Cedar Fair...oh well, a 200-foot tall water coaster will be good fun too!
    1 point
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