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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/02/2011 in all areas

  1. --- Fun fact: Sogeti is Italian for Haunt. Not really, but the name sounds kinda spooky though. --- --- Not as spooky as what's on the other side of this gate... --- --- Anyone else getting odd flashbacks of the days when CBS owned the park? *shudders* --- --- So it's that time of year when the park gets all Haunt-ified and whatnot. Here's a shot of some two-bit magician keeping the Overlord's stage warm. Which makes sense considering how GOD AWFUL COLD IT WAS TODAY. --- --- International Street is decked out with cool tombstones and mausoleums. This gateway is a perfect example of what to expect. --- --- By 7, this whole area becomes overrun with zombies and chicks who look like statues but aren't really statues. --- --- See, back in the day, there was this neat maze called Cemetery Drive in Tower Gardens. It was a fun little thing that didn't do no harm, but someone decided to kick it out of its original home just so a bunch of raggedy scarecrows could ransack the place. Now the graveyard ghouls have to fend for themselves. This guy is stuck selling lanterns. --- --- This is how everyone looks when a big wind comes sweeping through the park. --- --- Speaking of wind, WindSeeker was down for the better part of the day and didn't open back up til around Haunt time. Same with Drop Tower. Kind of an oxymoron when you can't open up because of wind and your name has WIND in the title. --- --- There's a couple of dead baby jokes hidden in that sandbox somewhere, but I'm not set to dig them out now... --- --- Even the undead need to keep in tip-top shape; those teenage girls get faster and faster each year. --- --- This should be posted in every learning facility immediately. It's never too early to be prepared for a zombie apocalypse. --- --- According to the sign, Ohio is The State of Disrepair. I was set to call it the State of Denial seeing as how the Bucks got shut out earlier today, but then I forgot the Bengals have been in disrepair for years now. --- --- Let's take a quick peek at some of the spooky stuff, shall we? Let's start with one of the two new mazes, Holiday Horror. --- --- In there lies every single bad experience you had on a holiday. Girlfriend dumped you on Valentine's Day? Check. Burnt down your garage setting off fireworks? Yep. Your coworker still blackmailing you so those photos he took of you embarrassing yourself at the Christmas party never find their way into everyone's email folder ? Oh yeah. --- --- Tombstone Terror-tory....and moving on. --- --- Cut-Throat Cove. Better than Pirates 4. --- --- Kings Island has a real bad bug problem. First it's carpenter bees making a nest in every trash can in the park. Now it's giant spiders making a nest out of the water tower. Let's just hope The Racer doesn't become the epicenter of a termite onslaught. --- Part Two Coming Soon
    2 points
  2. My first time going this year was great, I got in 5 mazes in three hours! I may be going again tonight, and next week, so I will add on until I do all of the mazes! Holiday Horror - So much fun! It wasn't as scary as it was funny, and very nicely themed. President's Day made me laugh like crazy, and you'll see why. In Valentine's Day, there was Cupid, and in the beginning of it they even had New Year's. Not the scariest, I mean, there were some little jumps, but a lot of fun. 8/10 Urgent Scare - I have never done this maze in my life. But it was great! The gore and blood was outdone (in a good way) and some nasty things occurred. Semi-scary maze, in my opinion, but very funny, bloody, and very "cool"! 9/10 Club Blood - Eh, it was alright this year. It seemed better last year. It was a lot less scary. Only a few jumps, and not enough scareactors in my opinion. There is one part that will always get me - *spoiler* the motorcycle part in the beginning, that made me jump five feet! 7/10 Tombstone Terror-Tory - Terrible. They did not make effective use of woods and trees, instead, every five feet was a big box with a person hiding behind it. So predictable, and not scary at all. I mean, the first few boxes scared me, but it got way too repetitive. And the train was really dumb to, kind of pointless. Skip. 3/10 CarnEVIL - Once again, another maze that was a lot of fun more than scary. Everything glows in the dark, there are disorienting tunnels, bubbles, and several clowns (not enough, same problem with Club Blood). There could have been a lot more scares in it. 7/10 Massacre Manor - My favorite maze last year is my second favorite this year. It's just your typical haunted house, which is why it's good. A lot of unexpected jumps, and has a good story behind it. You must do this if you go to get the full haunted house experience! 9/10 My Rankings (as of 9/30/11) 1. Urgent Scare 2. Massacre Manor 3. Holiday Horror 4. Club Blood 5. CarnEVIL 6. Tombstone Terror-tory Rankings (in terms of scariness) 1. Massacre Manor 2. Urgent Scare 3. Club Blood 4. Holiday Horror 5. CarnEVIL 6. Tombstone Terorr-tory What was your favorite/last favorite?
    1 point
  3. Yet another very good PTR! I went into DA yesterday with a very open mind set and I actually really enjoyed it. It was also very nice to see you yesterday! Thanks for the report!
    1 point
  4. I took this video earlier tonight. Thought you might enjoy it.
    1 point
  5. My friend and I went last night, and I was about ready to leave because of him. In every maze, he would say, "You're not scary dude!" or get up close to their face and act like he was scarier than them. While he thought it was funny, it really isn't. It makes you look like a fool. Actually, some older kids did make fun of him for doing so. I know you guys don't care, but I had to vent somehwere...
    1 point
  6. Did you ever remember seeing the Roller Coaster and saying, "Roller Coaster 1 looks too intense for me"?
    1 point
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