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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/2011 in all areas

  1. Thank you so much for posting those pictures, Shaggy! They're really fascinating. I actually contacted R&R Designs a couple years ago, asking about Phantom Theater and Adventure Express. I received a reply with the following collection of pictures attached. All photos courtesy R&R Designs Breaker board and animatronic shown in HWBeast1039's original post Characters have, I believe, been part of Haunt decorations before Furnace now part of Slaughterhouse, animatronics have been part of Haunt before Mummy and gargoyle have been part of Haunt before Usher has been part of Haunt before Chandelier shown was used by Fairfield High School for their performance of Phantom of the Opera a few years ago After showing him (R&R's president) a picture of the characters' current fate (outside as Halloween props), he responded: Thanks for the photo, those characters were really made to be seen in the dark under proper show lighting, it's a shame to see them thrown outside in a pile. Of course, you could argue that setting them up outside is still better than simply throwing them away. I definitely enjoy seeing them every year, although I wonder how many seasons they'll last. Oh, a question that somebody may be able to answer... Phantom Theater consisted of 30+ characters, including repeats (as Shaggy's post shows). Only a limited number are placed outside each Haunt, so what about the rest? Are they all in storage somewhere, or were they scrapped? Or something entirely different?
    3 points
  2. What many don't know is that most of the Phantom Theatre figures hands and heads were actually latex masks or "shells" over plastic frames. (Those with moving parts within the facial features and hands used latex shells. Those without were made of hard fiberglass/plastic.) Latex breaks down over time, and thus those using shells/masks simply melted over the years. In the early years, when the attraction was kept in it's best condition, the park would contact AVG (AVG was the company that provided the animatronic characters and effects for the ride) to supply replacement masks/hands for the figures as they "melted." AVG had molds of the original ride design clay sculptures. When contacted by KI, they would pull out the approriate molds and pour in liquid latex. After that, exanding foam spray (yes the type you can buy at Lowes for insulation purposes) filled the center. Once cured, the mold was opened and each mask/part was hand painted by an artist according to the original character design specs by R&R Animations. (R&R Animations designed the concept/story/characters for the ride.) The foam sprayed in the center had formed a stiff "core" (similar to those styrofoam heads that wigs are stored on) that enabled the artist ease in painting. The masks, once complete, were shipped to KI still on the foam heads. The maintenance team at KI then removed the masks from the foam core and replaced the deteriorating ones. This was a costly expense - and eventually the park cut the budget for it. Thus Phantom Theatre suffered and became a shell of it's former self. Quite frankly, those that only experienced Phantom Theatre in the last 4 or 5 years of it's life really only saw half original attraction. The first time I rode Phantom Theatre (June 1992 - inaugural year) I was absolutely astounded at it's quality. But then over the years effect after effect kept dissapearing. Many of the Phantom Theatre figures were in dissaray by the time the attraction closed. When I toured Phantom Theatre on foot (the last year it was open) many of the costumes on the figures had been ruined by melted/dripping latex over the years. (Not to mention just general dirt and filth) There was a maintenance bay in the show building where the replacement parts were stored. They literally had dozens of the foam heads and old deteriorated shells/masks laying around. How any of the shells/masks have survived this long is beyond me - especially since the figures have been used outside in the weather for a few season now. However, even if they had been stored in a climate controlled environments they would not have lasted. The outside elements, no doubt, are greatly speeding their demise, but ultimately nothing lasts forever. Think of them like a plastic Halloween costume stored in an attic - over time they simply dont last. Here's some photos I took just after they began disassembling Phantom Theatre. The pictures actually make the figures look pretty good. However, in person it was a different story - they were in bad shape. Shaggy
    2 points
  3. Could Kings Island move the crypt outside? In a totally different location like Action Zone. They could then replace the old building with an indoor wild mouse. or some other indoor attraction.
    1 point
  4. I don't see why they would, in my opinion that would make it even worse than it already is.But I guess that they could. PS: Welcome!
    1 point
  5. And yet ZakkSpadeZ and I, as well as a few others in Slaughter House, have scared thousands of people with them this year. So yeah, they're not scary at all. Your right. Alot of the girls are screaming for attention. I'm sorry YOUR girl is seeking MY attention. The only annoying thing I see at Halloween Festivals are people like you who show up and criticize or try to show your masculinity off by trash talking the haunt actors. It's not impressive that you can go thru a house without being scared. I can too, that's why I do what I do. I know the Slaughterhouse boys are good at what we do, that's why your the one paying to see us.
    1 point
  6. Did I chase you!?! I'm sorry about that, Mama gets mad when I run with chainsaws. hahahahaah you caught me by suprise today!! I saw one guy standing there with a chainsaw at the end not moving then you just popped out and chased us!
    1 point
  7. You better be careful. You know what Mama's like when she gets angry!
    1 point
  8. And yet ZakkSpadeZ and I, as well as a few others in Slaughter House, have scared thousands of people with them this year. So yeah, they're not scary at all.
    1 point
  9. Actually you're not. Thats awkward....
    1 point
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