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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/2012 in all areas

  1. At least KI doesn't have anything as bad as Tracker Jackers. Of course, I probably shouldn't make quasi-esoteric references on a forum with people who may or may not have the same taste as me in film and literature either...
    2 points
  2. I bought single day tickets for $30 at Kroger in Indianapolis. I noticed the prices for some reason went higher the closer you got to KI. I dont know if they are running the same promotion this year though (I bought a Gold Pass for this year so I haven't been back to Kroger this year).
    1 point
  3. ^ Spoiler Alert.
    1 point
  4. Got in 4 rides in 20 minutes this morning on DB...only had to move from the front row to the second row, then stayed in the second row three times. Made it to work before 10am.
    1 point
  5. I echo Leah's comments. The only places where I noticed no improvements were the bathrooms. The hand dryer on the right in the bathroom near Scrambler hasn't worked since last year and they still have the terribly inefficient hand dryers in the bathroom before the entrance to the park. I think my favorite of the opening day non-working items was the go karts. We were on our way up the lift hill of the Magnum and Leah noticed that both karts that were on the track were completely stopped with people in them. One of the was crashed into the barrier wall. Perhaps it is standard practice to stop all riders if one of them stops but either way it was so appropriate and we were laughing hysterically!
    1 point
  6. And that was smart.
    1 point
  7. Okay... that's not what the email newsletter said. But if you say so... We changed it.
    1 point
  8. I'm cautiously optimistic about Bluegrass Boardwalk. There's a lot of risk here, but sometimes you have to take risks in order to succeed. For now, I'm willing to give the Kochs involved in this operation the benefit of the doubt while I stand back and watch the progress. We can talk about whether BB will succeed or fail all day, but ultimately we won't know what will happen until next year at the earliest. My belief is that the Kochs are taking a huge risk in this venture, but that they are possibly the best people for the job other than Ed Hart. If BB is to succeed, though, they have a lot to learn, not the least of which is an entirely new market that they're not familiar with. Still, I trust that they aren't completely clueless here; I doubt they would have taken on this venture in the first place if they didn't have some understanding of what it would take.
    1 point
  9. What seats aren't filled by Fast Lane users? What? At Cedar Point?
    1 point
  10. No Bill. No Will. No Pat. It is insulting to them and their memories and reputations not to realize their contributions. And these are the three people most responsible for the park's success. Dan was a practicing attorney. Not in the park business until after Will's untimely death. Time will prove the wisdom of this venture, or lack thereof. As for me, I will close for now with an old saying "Fools rush in where angels ( or Ed Hart) fear to tread."
    1 point
  11. Holiday World and Splashin' Safari until now got 100 percent attention from its management team. To say that will continue is to be naive in the extreme. Bluegrass Boardwalk will divert attention from what had been not just the first focus, but the polar star. To say Holiday World will not suffer due to this is at best studied folly.
    1 point
  12. Unless HW is being used as collateral for a loan, which would make ZERO sense, this cannot harm HW at all. Also- given that not all HW shareholders are included in BB, HW cannot be legally touched. (i.e. if a business fails and is an S-Corp, the owner(s) cannot be sued for personal wealth or material belongings not located on business premises. In the HW case- all shareholders would have to sign off HW as collateral, since we know this not to be the case, HW cannot be touched.)
    1 point
  13. I think because I discovered Sparks around the time I started going to Kings Island.
    1 point
  14. No. They do not haunt the area. They lounge about in old chairs and admire the collections of items they've obviously purloined and artistically arranged on the wall.
    1 point
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