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Everything posted by Maverick44

  1. ^^^ I am not sure if that helps this situation or not?? Lets just move on!! So I think someone asked if someone was going to go city hall to check on new blue prints. Has this been done yet? Did I miss t hat post? lol
  2. I mean CF has removed Boomerangs at other parks so I mean who knows it could be gone at any time. I don't see it happening at KI ( unfourntly) haha due to the land its set in. Front of the park and who knows what else could fit there. Maybe a Infinity coaster? I think putting a coaster in the SOB area would need so much work. They can't have the entrance in Action Zone due to foot traffic being crazy if they add another major coaster over there. I could see them adding a mid way in that area and connect it to X-base somehow behind AE.
  3. I wish we could all be one big happy family. I understand where people get upset if things get off topic. I also wish they didn't want to jump down your throat for talking about something you feel is important to you. I see both sides and just wish that we could all just drop the shenanigans. Happy Tuesday everyone!
  4. This is my first time registering. Its been a week or so does it normally take this long to be confirmed? I am waiting while they review my details I guess?
  5. Yikes I am glad I was not involved in that heat haha....what is really going on here? Like for real? Fingers crossed we get something released or leaked soon to lighten the tension in here. I take it no one took my suggestion and relaxed this weekend with a couple of brews? lol
  6. I drove over to CSF Saturday. Got some pictures but everything seems to be the same. Nothing new out front. I'll load the pics later.
  7. Green and Black Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Geeze n00bie haha j/k we think it will be sometime late July / early August. Then again we don't work at the park and really have no idea.
  9. You are right. So we are 50/50 right now. If they go back and forth its a non number year. Also.. @LucasAerelius I know this. I was just saying it sarcastically. haha
  10. Well you have to consider that that last 2 giga installments to the chain I305 and Fury325 both have #'s. So they are the most recent so its also possible that it does in my eyes.
  11. You know some sort of # will be attached. Like Polaris300 haha
  12. Yeah its like we already knew what was going on just announce it lol its like someone hiding in plain sight lol
  13. I think STR was gone before that??? haha I mean we are literally on here just talking to each other. There is not much left to talk about until lwe get the announcement. So yeah other things will be chatted about lol If we didn't chat this page would have no one on it. I do't see other threads just pooping off with excitement at this time. Maybe im wrong. I don't see anything wrong with it right now. I think we are past all this now lol if it was out of whack the mods would step in and they did. Lets move on haha
  14. Oh I know they won't start that until after the announcement. I was just thinking they may have supports on site. I'd like to see the barn gone too to see the drop better.
  15. I can't wait to watch this when I get off. I would assume since this is done a lot we may see supports showing up and placed in waiting.
  16. Yes!! Let us watch the video first then give us the deets!
  17. Also Winterfest as well! A lot of the coaster may be in place!! I am also hoping for a webcam so I can watch it all day at work lol CP had the best when Valravn was being built. MT was ok I would of liked a different view.
  18. The rumors of the Intamin coaster coming to BGW sounds pretty rad. I really hope to get to that park soon. I want to get on Apollo.
  19. ^^ I like that Idea. I think you could almost put this coaster around or threw Congo falls. That would be pretty neat. I wish we had a section themed to a rain forest. It would fit Congo falls and they could theme the coaster and have it fly by the "falls" or close to.
  20. I hope so too^. I would love to try and be there for the announcement but i'll have to work till 7. I live in Columbus so it may be hard. The live streams were awesome as long as they don't freeze like the one did for Mystic Timbers,
  21. The suspense is killing me haha no not really but still I wish they would just come out and tell us what day we will learn about what is being done! Just give us the announcement date!
  22. I like this I would just want Congo Falls to stay. I hold that ride close to my heart. They could fit an Infinity coaster in Invertigo's footprint I think? Maybe would need to work some pathways though?
  23. I hope so ^^ I just want to know already! There are 3 times of the year that I just love. Announcement season, Free agency ( July!) in NHL and the trade deadline in the NHL as well haha Not trying to get off topic. I am just excited to get the stats and the NAME!
  24. Is it really that big of a deal...…. I mean come on dude their are more important things in life then to throw is hissy fit because you aren't getting your way. You can blame this on the others on here including myself. Sure we got off topic, its not the end of world. If the mods on this page want thigns done their way.....that's that. We accept and move on. We are trying to stay on topic but we need you to help with that as well.
  25. I would take that as well! Giga is fun. I am sure something like Red Force would be thrilling as well!
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