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Everything posted by Maverick44

  1. Cedar Fair loves teasing up coming attractions. I think midway through that season we will see subtle hints.
  2. Can you please post your source? We should see something soon after opening. Either site prep or teasing.
  3. Yeah I do this every year haha. Love it!!!
  4. Fingers crossed for a 2020 coaster. I can't recall but has KI and CP ever gotten a coaster in the same year? I can think back and do some slight research but think ill ask instead lol
  5. ^^ Are you saying put a madmouse in the old Crypt building? Cuz we can't renovate one if we don't have one lol
  6. Hey we can be friends with that comment! ^^ haha
  7. I can't see anything but the hill on MT. I wanna see testing going on! haha Give me a Coney Mall cam! haha
  8. Come on man we know KI doesn't move their cams lol We have one boring MT cam and 2 others lol
  9. Just remember Hershey park 2020 coaster. Think its B&M as well....so track might be for that if you see any.
  10. I am not sure if it would actually fit there but maybe it really could?
  11. I am sure it will be great as well. I am just a sucker for nostalgia!
  12. If they look dramatically different I may be upset. I liked the big ol blue and white fountains.
  13. I would assume some sort of bridge over rail rd tracks somewhere. That would be neat.
  14. Haha I am thinking he is not going to like that. This troll doesn't even put words together that make sense.
  15. They could look at KI and think they added MT witch is a good family coaster. I thinks its time for a very aggressive coaster. B&M is great and a B&M giga would be awesome. They are just not as aggressive with the turns and ejector air. I will take anything and love it haha We are now going over my dream coasters for KI lol
  16. Looks like smoking section to the left of Banshee is gone.
  17. The one next to FoF is new......if only they added a restroom there lol
  18. Personally I think KI needs a more aggressive ride. There really isn't an aggressive ride in that park. I know some may say FoF or even Vortex but I guess this is just IMO.
  19. ^^ ( Skipping troll) Why would it be so large on the map if it was a little stand? idk.
  20. Using a flat picture and paint lol I can't really judge how tall it will be haha. Its really like a hey you get the point..... Troll fo sho!
  21. I agree Intamin's are more aggressive even on POV's. I hope they get back in good graces with CF asap. The universal projects could be a good determination factor for CF.
  22. Was there ever an actual building there? I remember the pergola that used to be there.
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