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Everything posted by Maverick44

  1. You don't need a permit to paint your house or building certain color.
  2. Agreed as well. I hate to see rides this this removed. Unless it was un fixable? idk?
  3. Would they need a permit for that? Maybe Diamondback is gonna get a fresh coat of paint? Maybe Vortex is because that thing looks terribly faded.
  4. Its all good! Parks just don't need to file a permit to update coaster trains. If they were adding on to the coaster layout then yes for sure they would need one.
  5. Same here man. I can't wait to ride I305 honestly. Only reason I really love the Intamin's is because I grew up during the days of them being KING at CP. Haha I also prefer speed and airtime rather then inversions. I Just like really aggressive coasters. Steel V is AMAZING is that regard. haha
  6. I'm not why this is so hard to understand for some. If they needed a permit to update seats or anything they would have to file permits every off season and you don't see that....
  7. Manta at seaworld maybe? That was 2009.
  8. We just want to have fun around here lol There will always be the battle of Intamin / B&M. in all fairness I love roller coasters in general haha. A shuttle dive coaster with a mid course 2nd launch!
  9. Hey at least I'm worth the wait Yeah the last is awesome there. Its a good place to expand!
  10. I don't have to go anywhere. I can see the best one right on my icon =) I mean really though you didn't say "if" lol you said you'd like to see that haha. Stick to being Boring & Mundane lol
  11. I don't think Firehawk was that iconic to have an enteral flame.
  12. Always ready for another coaster.....Intamin at that! haha In all seriousness. It looks like it is going to be a lot of fun.
  13. Those look awesome! I am sure it is going to look amazing.
  14. Yes! That cars was an amazing addition. They do need some other larger flats like CW has.
  15. Ki looks great right now.....I wonder what shape the park would be in if Paramount was still owning.
  16. I was never on it. It was during my younger years where it was coasters and nothing else for me.
  17. i'd love for a hotel Breakers. Maybe try an model it kinda like the one at CP? With a rotunda?
  18. No no no no no ^^^ haha Scarlett supports and gray track and call it Buckeye 345 haha
  19. I am just thinking about how CP had the hotels on site. Same with Disney and so on. I think if KI did that it could be good!? Idk I’m just spitballing haha. I think if they have their own hotels hey can offer packages with rooms and tickets for the guests who are not going to hold season passes. Idk seems like a good idea to me haha. But in a Hotel Breakers in KI. Have it in the area between water park and wwc and MT somewhere!? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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