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Everything posted by Rallyomalley

  1. I believe they were $24.99 before Season Pass discount.
  2. Not sure if this was posted. This is the black shirt on a fat guy. Edit : not gonna lie. Was hoping the stars would glow in the dark, but alas....no dice. Edit 2: so there's no confusion. I am the fat guy.
  3. That's the same dj from the Coca-Cola area during Winterfest.
  4. Just bumped into Chad with a Fox19 Camera crew. The excitement is palpable. He seemed a Lil nervous...but a good kind of nervous. Like a I can't wait to tell you kind of nervous Edit: sorry for the 3 handshakes Chad. I am just as excited as you apparently.
  5. @Magenta Lizard you're killing me Smallz
  6. I got you fam. I'll ask Don when I see him. Whether I get an answer or not...well...
  7. Is there a post 530 meetup? I owe @Magenta Lizard a Dorothy card. Although I'm devastated...I left her lovely poop gift at home.
  8. Correct. And I would expect assembly to start soon. Those cranes are expensive and don't like to just be sitting around unused.
  9. So does that really mean the brake run sits 60'ish feet above the station?
  10. I wasn't trying to hate on you. It just seems like the hive dive is more of a speed-bump. No offense intended.
  11. Well I have absolutely zero use for it lol. Please feel free to grab it tomorrow.
  12. @Magenta Lizard, I know you are all about the Wizard of Oz game. Find me tomorrow at the announcement and reclaim your Dorothy card!
  13. Wow. That hive dive right before the 9000' tall brake run seems really shallow. I thought it was much more pronounced in your other video.
  14. Well. Maybe I should continue the trend and put your prize in another box.
  15. I can confirm at one point there was something in the box. I'm thinking he may make an appearance and sneak a selfie with @Magenta Lizard. I do NOT know if there was something in there when she opened it. Maybe arrange a trade to get you back. That was clever. My wife got a huge kick out of it. Edit: on second thought..maybe he should be our mascot. Take pics of him in fun spots.
  16. Well sh*t. LITERALLY. Well played Liz.
  17. I'm about 5 minutes from the box...I hope your prize is still there!
  18. @DonHelbig Do our passes have to be scanned and us be in the park by the 8:00 closing time in order to attend? Or will you continue to allow admission up until the 10:00 reveal?
  19. That's my question as well. Seems odd to do it at 10pm on a day the park closes at 8. Edit: Just noticed there is an RSVP to Chad on the invitation. You don't think they'd do a media only reveal where the GP is not invited do you?
  20. I tried it out that app. Here's what it gave me. I did note in the app what seat I rode in so take that for what it's worth. Also done on an IPhone X (secured in cargo pocket.) Edit. I guess I see why I gray out on Invertigo now.
  21. Saw some guy on reddit saying he wrote a python script that came up with Moonwalking. It will spell "Moonwalking". Explanation: I interpret the spacing of the letters as _ _ O _ W _ _ K I _ _ from the picture provided in this thread by /u/strmtrpr15. I then wrote a short python script to check 466551 English words and tell me which ones fit the pattern. Of the five that match ("hoodwinking", "ironworking", "moonwalking", "woodworking", and "woolworking"), only "moonwalking" seems to fit the theme. Credit to u/sticklefront.
  22. Weird. Looks life the transfer track is stuck. I saw all the trains on the track earlier this am, but it's been like this since 1 or so.
  23. So it was a "new to KI train" on Invertigo? Because yesterday may have been the worst ride I've ever had. I swear it was running on square wheels. You could hear the wheels thump-thump-thumping when the train was on the course.
  24. To be fair, I eventually gave up on the non-franchised food. Chick-fil-A is identical to what you'd get outside the park, as is Skyline. I'm not a Subway fan, but I'm going to assume it's similar to what's available outside the park. I worked close by, so it wasn't anything to just pop in.
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