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Everything posted by Waltny

  1. So they put those pieces in and it was visible on the cam? Thursday morning edit: That track did not end up going in after all. It also looks like the cranes are set up assembly line style to get track in place to the head chopper element quickly with the other crane doing supports out to the brake run.
  2. Sky High is building Orion and O'Rouke is tearing down Vortex.
  3. I did some due diligence and when the sun is right overhead of the lift hill there is a spot over on GWL parking lot I should be able to shoot right down the belly of The Beast. My question is, how did we collectively miss it if it did go in the way the webcams are watched like a hawk?
  4. It looks like the yellow crane is putting up supports on the brakerun side of the lift.
  5. Yes. They just all drove by. They will be back early and pump it out and I have a feeling I’m going to miss it go in. Got things to do this afternoon...
  6. I’ll try a few different angles and the cherry pickers just positioned by the supports. I think we are going to get enough track to span the next two supports.
  7. Yes as you said, still there. Took this first thing this morning before lighting got too bad. You should be able to see it snaking it’s way through the middle of the lifthill supports. Next 2 pieces should be easily seen from here and drop off parking lot and then the angles get a little screwy again on seeing anything on the ground from outside the park.
  8. It needs more than that, it needs a new angle for each time of the day for optimal viewing unfortunately. I’ve stacked a CPL and GND filters to try to knock down the sun without having to overexpose/underexpose with minimal benefit on pro glass. In the morning, a cam from the turn around or even the dorms would be best. Then the one on the tower for late day sun. Update at 0958, just did a drive by and they have at least one of the cherry pickers over at the airtime hill and still no movement at the helix.
  9. You maybe right and I’m wrong. It’s fairly goofy to look at from these angles. So it may still be another full piece before we go above the tree line. I saw that one along with how it looks smaller and quickly rationalized that somehow it was on the way out of the helix
  10. Not yet. Next piece for sure as this one is hid behind the brakerun from the usual angle. Thank you sir for the kind words. Its amazing the reactions Ive been garnering on this endeavor. A lot of praise to short of people wishing the worst on me. Such is life and Ill keep on keeping on as Ive become apologist #1 for Orion by default. Also added for your viewing pleasure(or not) is that next piece of track. The next piece is going to have to be long(like first piece of airtime hill after that apex long) to span the gap that is currently between the last piece of track and support.
  11. Exactly. There must be a miscommunication on my part, because I posted that profile link for you all to check out (https://instagram.com/rollercoasterweldindad_101715?igshid=k17ac7yoc1ya) for the sole purpose that.... it is an account of a guy who works at Clermont Steel and is posting pictures of the B&M track that he is personally working on along with other shots from inside the facitily.
  12. That’s not Clermont and B&M track?
  13. Anyone seen this guys instagram? Talk about exclusive access and knowledge. I posted it here as I do think it’s tied into Orion construction as there may be some of our track here and where it came from. https://instagram.com/rollercoasterweldindad_101715?igshid=k17ac7yoc1ya
  14. The Orion, The Ride. Maybe we can get #theorion to trend...
  15. Still below the treeline... Im hoping for some action tomorrow! The weather locally is nice and hopefully the use as much of the day as possible.
  16. I think 7,8,9,10 are the only ones that can be seen above the treeline. 12 is definately on the way out of the helix toward the head chopper element.
  17. They did get alot done today, you can only see 4 of the supports from the usual vantage points. I may share the photo I took a little later. All I can say about the theming of Orion is this... It better have a world class plaza entrance sign like Fury, Banshee, Leviathan or Incredible Hulk.
  18. I got sold heavy on GOCC and CC last year as a support the local guys and there isnt much difference in what ACE can do for you than them. Well, I would politely disagree at this point but I guess Ill still get in the door for Coasterstock.
  19. Can I download this and see if I can do an overlay with Fury's turnaround? I dont know if anything will match up exactly,but maybe I can scale one close enough
  20. I saw that on the cam too, it’s surprising to see the current pacing of construction. That next support should be to the left of the one on my image.
  21. They are still working by the looks of it. I wonder if they must be on a tight time schedule to get done. This is where the support is in relationship to the lift from past images. I took this around 430ish.
  22. The span of track behind the bushes in the gulley?
  23. I wonder if the underside of the roof will be planetarium style with the Orion constellation on it.
  24. Those are not the same crews, so that work should be able to happen independently of each other.
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