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Patrickbateman86 last won the day on February 14 2020

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  1. I wish they had went with Polaris that way I could have nicknamed it Polar Ass. I always referred to Firehawk as Firecrotch.
  2. I agree with what others have said, to me the ride itself isn't that bad. Its just completely out of place on that plot of land. There is no cohesion to that area of the park. It would be pretty cool if they could just move the ride back to Area 72 and give it a space theme. But that would probably be cost prohibitive.
  3. I hear we might be getting a giga back there.
  4. A bathroom themed ride would be pretty sweet. You could even keep the name Vortex. The ride ends with you being flushed down a giant toilet.
  5. I'd like to see something similar to Copper Head Strike at Carrowinds go into Vortex's spot. Multiple inversions multiple launches, or maybe a traditional lift with a launch midway through the ride. You could do some cool stuff with themeing. Its really I prime piece of real estate.
  6. What do people expect when they buy a house near an amusement park? It's not like they moved in and Kings Island sprung up overnight.
  7. I'd rather them keep The Bat off by itself, the fact its kinda hidden I think adds to the charm.
  8. Woah, this looks like it was taken from an abandoned haunted amusement park, cool!
  9. LMAO at 0:57 there is a shirtless guy in the front row rubbing his nipples.
  10. I feel like with Orion they have just trimmed the fat on the other gigas. It's more succinct and devoid of the pandering elements.
  11. Where did you see that at? I was trying to get a look at the entry plaza but couldn't in the videos.
  12. Calling it now, worlds tallest Togo standup.
  13. I'm not sure if anyone has posted something like this but what if the theme of the ride is that the Earth has been made uninhabitable for some reason hence teotwawki, and the people are being transported via spaceship to some other planet.
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