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KIEagle33 last won the day on January 24 2022

KIEagle33 had the most liked content!


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  1. I had no idea they gave out Swag-bags for ride records.
  2. Dont worry, it will be back in due time.
  3. Exactly. There is something pretty cool about seeing that "20 years later" icon.
  4. I don't think his intent was to be a "creep". It is the user's decision whether or not to reveal your own location. I believe he was simply trying to fact check your post.
  5. I was thinking that exact same thing. Either a cat or a small dog of some sort.
  6. Looks like some digging going on in the bottom left hand corner...
  7. Ah, yes. The wonderful southern Ohio weather, doing what it does best.
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