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Posts posted by Thrill_Biscuit

  1. While Krazy city in the Tri County Mall is much nicer than Wonderpark was (and people actually go to Tri County as opposed to Cincinnati Mills), I really wonder how long places like these can last. Especially for Krazy City, their operating costs must be enormous.

    Good point. It makes me wonder if it's even profitable, or if not, when it will get there. Are the rides in KC smaller than they appear? Use less energy? Is the park engineered to be cost-effective while looking bigger than it really is?

  2. I'd build it in the woods to the east.

    Beastwood Forest

    • Rides: Huss Jump II, Topple Tower, Vekoma Air Jumper painted in earth tones...
    • Attractions: Agate souvenir jewelry shop, woodcraft exhibit, small stage for bluegrass or zydego music, forest-themed games ('safe' versions of archery, axe-throwing, caber toss)...
    • Restaurants: Arthurian-themed castle, with stone patios, parapets, etc.


  3. :D ^Well, 23 Skidoo, little brother! That's swell, and groovy! Radical to the max! (I'll get it new school, I promise!). I don't honestly know how much room KI has for a Millennium Force type coaster, without the ride intertwining with other rides, or being one heck of a narrow O&B. I've looked at Google Earth, etc., and I'm not sure what the park's boundaries are, but if they did ever introduce another monster coaster, I'd imagine it would be in all that wooded area to the east. I think the lift hill would be scarier amid trees and buildings than the lakeside view of MF.
  4. There is an arcade in Coney Mall. However, nothing about it strikes me as 1980s per se.

    It seems that the only stand up arcade games to survive the home entertainment system revolution have been "Galaga" and "Mrs. Pac Man". I see those in many places lately. I wonder if they might pop up at KI this season.

  5. I agree. In my humble opinion, everything inside an amusement park should take on an air of uniqueness; something different from the everyday world outside the park's gates. Every cup, napkin, straw, etc. should have some kind of 'souvenir' feel, something slightly different from the norm. I wonder what would be involved in theming the corporate outlets, like "Subway Coney Deli", or "Chick-fil-a Rivertown Rotisserie" (...or fry basket ^_^ )?

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