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Posts posted by Thrill_Biscuit

  1. I wonder what those expectations were. Transitional revenue growth is very difficult to extrapolate, even when using generous linear regression against known values. The disclaimer at the end of the release affords consideration for economic and environmental factors that are impossible to predict accurately (like Cincinnati weather ;) ). I imagine that even when reasonable margins for 'comfort' are set in place, anything can affect revenue/volume targets in a given reporting period: severe drought, disasters, lawsuits, gas prices... anything that is 'unexpected'.

  2. Well, I was just a kid in Miamisburg (small world) at the time it happened, and where I lived, a lot of gruesome rumors came out about the 'details' of that night. I understand the PG nature of the History page, and will respect the decency of this site in my posts going forward.

    Wow there are more people from that part of Ohio than I realized.

    Yes, but it's not as cool as Funky Town.

  3. Well, I was just a kid in Miamisburg (small world) at the time it happened, and where I lived, a lot of gruesome rumors came out about the 'details' of that night. I understand the PG nature of the History page, and will respect the decency of this site in my posts going forward.

  4. a teenager was decapitated by the counterweight on the Eiffel Tower in 1983 (he wasn't; he died from injuries sustained in a tragic fall within the structure)

    Um, actually, it was the counterweight that got him. The injuries sustained were due to the counterweight...

    So, I had that one backwards? The 'fall' was the rumor, and the counterweight is the true story? I got the following from the History section of the site: 1983 – "On May 13 - A teenager was killed after falling from the Eiffel Tower. He was in a restricted area when he fell." (obtained from www.KICentral.com/history/timeline.php, paragraph 12 ("1983") on Tuesday, 2-5-08).

    I don't mean to be incorrect. :unsure:

  5. Most of the rumors I've heard through the years have been either hilarious, or down-right ridiculous:

    The Eiffel Tower was going to be painted blue in 2005 (it was repainted "Eiffel Tower Green"); The Mini Coopers on BLST were going to be replaced with Volkswagens (or mini-Hummers, or mini-Scions, etc., etc...); The microwave transmitter atop the Eiffel Tower is an alarm bell to warn everyone to board the elevator during bad weather; Tom Hanks appeared on channel 12 to announce "Bubba Gump Shrimp Shack" (it was another actor dressed up like 'Forrest Gump' in 2003); a tornado knocked down the original sign (it was another weather phenomenon called 'straight line winds'); some guy/girl got knocked out by a shoe flung from Delirium (no such thing has ever been reported); a teenager was decapitated by the counterweight on the Eiffel Tower in 1983 (he wasn't; he died from injuries sustained in a tragic fall within the structure); and my all-time favorite, from a ride long gone from KI: "you can unscrew the canopies from the Zodiac by spinning the wheel too quickly."

  6. Some more ideas...(categorized this time)

    Imaginative: "Kings Island: Dream Here!"

    Fifth Grade: "Kings Island: Come Have Fun!"

    Eastern Philosophical: "Kings Island: Harmoniously Enjoy Super Happy Land!"

    Cliché or Bad Pun: "Kings Island: Fun from Coaster to Coaster!"

    Classic MTV: Kings Island: "Tweedle Deedle Dee, Wubba, Wubba, Wubba"


  7. :huh: As an avid rider, I find The Beast to be a thoroughly enjoyable experience throughout. I'm no ride engineer, but I can say that someone has applied very balanced science to the entire braking system (even more impressive to me, given that Beast was designed and built without the benefit of today's computer technology). In my own opinion, the brakes on roller coasters add a certain sense of excitement - like you're being slowed down because of what's coming up next. Maybe I'm just used to it, but Beast's braking system seems to be just right.
  8. BTW Firehawk is that a Vekoma Air Jumper on your banner?

    Hmmm, Isn't that Delirium? Or are you looking at something different than I am?

    You're right, Smitty! I couldn't find my glasses yesterday. Now, I see that it is indeed Delerium (all the cool sparkles added a little more difficulty). It really looked like an AJ to me, but now I see it. Thanks! B)


    A Vekoma Air Jumper

  9. I would Google the keywords "amazon jerry goldsmith", and check the "listen to samples", especially if they have the soundtrack to "Chinatown". If you see "Love Theme from Chinatown" in the list, click to listen. I think that might be your song. It was kind of slow and jazzy, and had a high-octave piano, then some beautiful string flourishes toward the end. Played really well with the fountains.

    My turn :) Does anyone know what song had the real flute-heavy, kind of action-thriller sound. I thought it was from Mission:Impossible (not the main theme), or maybe from TR. I don't know, but it was really cool-sounding, and played I think right before "Breakfast Machine" by Danny Elfman. Any guesses? I'd really love to know!

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